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Brought to you by:
- @wutizlif 's comment
- my boredom
- my lack of having anything better to do
- my emo ass being sad that we don't get any more haikyuu until like July
- my love for Kageyama

And without further ado, we shall begin!!


You groaned in frustration and tossed the remote at the couch after restarting the video. "Why the hell is it so hard? Them tik tokers make it look so easy!" You complained but tried to do renegade once again, unaware that your grumbling had woken up your sleeping boyfriend.

He remained on the couch, surprised at how dedicated you were to learning this dance, you'd been at it for a solid hour. Kageyama scoffed when he saw the video. "Can't even manage to do that, (f/n)?" He teased.

You only rolled your eyes, aware of how easy it looked at first glance. "Why don't you give it a shot then Tobio?"

He shrugged and got off the couch, watching the video once more before attempting to copy its moves and failing miserably, causing you to laugh until it hurt. "And here I thought you were some dance master. What happened to your moves from the end of the year party?"

"I practiced that! I didn't have time to practice this! Dumbass!" He yelled defensively.

"You practiced for the end of the year dance? With who?" You asked, suddenly curious.

"Hinata boke, obviously."

You clutched your sided as you burst into another set of giggles. "So you're telling me—" you managed between hyperventilating, "—that you learnt how to slow dance using Hinata for the end of the year dance?"

"I wanted to be able to dance with you, dummy!" He huffed, his ears turning pink once again.

You looked at him with a wide grin. "Tobio you're literally the cutest."

He flicked your forehead in annoyance. "You're not allowed to call me cute unless you grow taller than me."

"Fuck you then." You mumbled before you felt his lips graze your cheek.

"What was that?" He asked.

"Tobio you stupid tease! That wasn't even a proper peck! Get down to my level you little—"

Somehow, your boyfriend managed to escape your grasp and into the kitchen where your grandma was stirring some curry. "Bro, your granddaughter is abusing me." Kageyama complained.

Yes, your grandma and Kageyama has teamed up and were now bros.
Were you jealous?
Would you admit it?
Hell no.

"(F/n), leave this poor boy alone, or I'll make you sit outside with no lunch."

"Don't you mean you'll send me to my room?" You asked.

"No, I've discovered that you enjoy being up there."

You sighed and stuck your tongue out at Kageyama who only smirked in response, knowing your grandma was on his side.

"Go set the table, kids, I'll bring the curry down." Your grandma announced and you and Tobio both nodded, filing out of the kitchen to set the table. You both finished fairly quickly, and while you were waiting for your grandma to arrive with the curry, you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist but you slapped them away.

"Nice try, Tobio." You chuckled. "But now I'm petty so wait a while."

Kageyama groaned. He regretted triggering petty (f/n).

Your grandma stepped into the dining room with hot curry in a bowl and a cooker of rice. "Eat up!"


Even when it was time for Kageyama to go back home, you hadn't let him be affectionate. He was used to your in and off behaviour, so he wasn't worried and knew you weren't mad.

"See you in a few days probably. Just come over if you miss me babe." You smiled and waved to which he nodded.

"See you (f/n). See you bro." He said the last part to your grandma and he left after his handshake with her.

Talk about boyfriend goals, huh? Sometimes I feel like he likes my grandma more than me.

Chuckling, you closed the door when Kageyama was out of sight.

Night time rolled around and you were bringing the blankets that Kageyama had used earlier back into the guest room when you noticed that he left his phone behind.


Your grandma had already gone to bed, so you simply left a note on the fridge telling her you were going to Kageyama's house in case she woke up at night.

It didn't take you long to get to his house, and strangely familiar music was playing. The closer you got to his door, the more obvious it became.

Kageyama Tobio was blasting Renegade from his speakers and busting out the moves, almost flawlessly, with a few slip ups every so often.

Somehow containing your laughter, you pulled out your own phone and recorded him from the window, but your hand was constantly shaking from trying to laugh quietly.

Eventually, Kageyama noticed he wa showing filmed and closed his curtains. The music turned off and you heard footsteps approaching his door.
As a safety measure, you sent the video to Oikawa in case Kageyama tried deleting it off your phone.

"Tobio, how long have you been practicing that?"

"I- I just tried it once!" He stuttered.

"You're horrible at lying hun'." You chuckled.

"...since I got back home." He admitted.

"Tobio! That's at least 3 hours!" You exclaimed. "So... wanna show me the finished product?"


"Not even for a kiss?"

"Make it two kisses." He argued.

"Deal." You smirked.

Kageyama was hesitant but eventually gave up trying to avoid it, knowing there was no escape. He played the music and his movements were even smoother than what you saw from the window.

"And thats how it's done, dumbass!"

"Tobio, have you considered making a tiktok account?"

"Pay up." He mumbled, sitting down next to you.

"No wait I'm serious."

"So am I. You owe me two kisses." He whined, reaching out to you.

You laughed and leaped from the couch, in attempt to make him chase you, but the boy's insane reflexes managed to pull you back to him.
Your back hit his torso and he hugged you from behind. There was little to no distance between you and you could feel his hot breath on your neck, and he placed a soft kiss there.

"One kiss down." You giggled.

"That does not count!" He complained.

"Does too!"

"Then my second kiss better be a hell of a good one." He whispered, turning you around to face him and connecting your lips together, his arms sneaking around your waist as he pulled you closer.

Your eyes widened but you kissed him back, your arms finding their way to tangle themselves in his hair, and just when you were getting into it, he pulled away with a smirk.

"Oh you little tease." You muttered. "You're not getting away this time." And with that you pulled him back down, a smirk evident on both your faces.

"Fuck, I really love you."


That's right I actually did it LMAOOOOO

Don't hate me pls I really wanted to do this!!
If I get any more suggestions that I really like I might add more extra chapters like this one.

Stay fabulous babes xoxo

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