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You carefully climbed the stairs with two steaming cups of hot chocolate, and stopped by your room to pull on a better pair of sweats, a thick hoodie and fluffy socks. You let your hair down to keep you that bit warmer.

You unlocked the terrace door with the keys in your room. You were the only one who went up here since your grandma struggled to climb stairs.

Holding the tray of two the cups of hot drinks meant for you and Kageyama in one hand, you pointed at the duvet you'd left at the bottom of the stairs to Kageyama and he picked it up on his way.

You nodded in approval and held the terrace door open for him to walk through and leaned it shut once he did. You led the way to sit on the bench in the middle of the terrace and set the tray of your drinks down.

Then, taking the duvet from Kageyama's hands, you threw it around the both of you. There was quite a bit of space between you two on the bench, but you weren't about to inch closer to him.
No, you wouldn't give him the satisfaction of doing that.

You shoved a mug of hot chocolate into his hands and out of the corner of your eye, you could make out a small smile. This made you relax. At least he wasn't mad anymore.

"So are you going to explain what the hell was up with you or will I have to waste my hot chocolate by dumping it on your head?" You asked, breaking the silence.

He had to look at your face to make sure you were joking, because knowing you, almost anything was possible. "Keep your hot chocolate -oh it tastes great by the way-" You hardened your glare when he tried changing the subject. "-but I'll explain why I was acting up."

You looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to go on. "I was upset. And I think a little offended. When you saw Oikawa-san after two whole years, you didn't seem to have trouble catching up him. But when we hadn't talked for two years and we went to the same school and saw each other every single day, you didn't make an effort to talk to me. I know it sounds stupid, (f/n) but I can't help it I-"

You covered his mouth with your hand, shaking your head. "I spoke to Tooru that easily because I hadn't seen him in so long. If I were in the same school as him and saw him every day and we'd drifted, I would never make a move to talk to him first. Even today, he approached me first. You should be feeling grateful I decided to pester you until you couldn't get rid of me this year." You said the last part playfully, punching his arm.

"(F/n)..." He trailed off, searching for words. "I want to be able to go back to how we were. From before we drifted."

"You need to stop dwelling on the past, Tobio. I quite like where our friendship is headed at the moment." You smiled. "Are we good?"

He looked at you for a moment, contemplating this, before nodding. "We're good."

You felt something small and wet drop on your nose and then your head and then all around you.

Your eyes widened when you realised it was snow. "Woah!" You exclaimed in awe, holding your hand out at first then wriggling out of the duvet to walk around in the snow.

You pulled off your fluffy socks and tucked them under the safety of the duvet before prancing around in the snow that seemed to be sticking.

"Tobio! Look! It's the first snowfall of the year!" You gasped, still not able to take your eyes off the sight you hadn't seen in so long. "It's so beautiful."

The first snowfall of the year and I was sharing this moment with Tobio. Is this some kind of sign?

He got up to stand next to you, also barefoot and nodded, holding out his hand to let little bits of snow touch him before it melted away. "It is." He agreed, and then, a moment later, "You like the snow?"

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