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Kageyama lent you a hand with all the decorations bright and early in the morning before anyone came to school. Only a few teachers were around and the cleaner and he opened the venue for you to decorate.

Technically you were breaking the rules by letting Kageyama in, but extra help was always welcome right?

You were next to certain that the others wouldn't mind and so, you and Kageyama spent a good 20 minutes fixing up the hall. You got a little carried away in between amd told Kageyama to close his eyes and stand still for a minute.

You saw his ears turn a bright pink and he closed his eyes. You went on your tip toes to check if he was peeking and stuck your tongue out at him.

No reaction. Guess he really did close his eyes properly.

You smirked and grabbed a balloon, filled a bit of it with water and be wit up as quietly as possible.

Then, picking a bobby pin out of your hair, you said "Open your eyes Tobio!" And when he did, you popped the balloon, the water exploding only his face, but unfortunately, also on yours.

"You're gonna regret that (f/n)!" You heard him yell.

"That's only if you can catch me, dumbass!" You laughed and sprinted away, out of the hall and towards your home room class.

Kageyama was hot on your heels and you turned corners you normally wouldn't, throwing him off guard and slowing him down.

You went into a 2nd year classroom that was open by chance and tried to hide but you spotted Kageyama at the door and he smirked. "You're not escaping now, (f/n)."

"Oh yeah?" You shot back, sliding open the window. "Try me."

It was only the second floor so you didn't get hurt when you jumped out the window and landed. You didn't wait around to be caught and took off again, for the gymnasium this time.

"(F/n), I swear you're dead." You heard Kageyama say. You stifled a giggle inside the closet you were hiding in and somehow he detected your uneven breathing.

He threw open the closet door and you squealed in surprise. He made to tickle you and you opened your mouth to scream but the gym door turned and Kageyama immediately covered your mouth and stepped inside the closet with you, shutting the door.

Your eyes widened. It was dark and you could only just about make out his figure and there was barely any space between you two.

You heard Takeda sensei and coach Ukai talk for a bit and then leave, and Kageyama reached for the handle to open the closet the same time you did.
You took this opportunity to tease him and you caressed his face with your thumb, and bit your lip. You cracked the door to the closet just slightly open and pulled him towards you by his shirt collar. When he finally caught on and started leaning in, you opened the closet door, letting him topple out and stepped out of the way, laughing.

He sprung up with an annoyed look on his face, but his ears were even brighter than before showing he was embarrassed too. Luckily for you, the bell rang and you just barely escaped yelling "SEE YOU IN CLASS, TOBIO!"


Lunch time rolled around and you were extremely glad. You'd been so hungry that you kept snacking between classes without the teacher noticing. You sat down at your usual table, glad that no one beat you to it and waited for your friends.

They arrived after a while and you heated up your homemade lunch, sharing with them once again. This became a weekly routine, where each of them would bring a huge lunch for all 5 of them to share.

But now, you weren't particularly hungry. You had lost your appetite since Yukio had dared you to ask Kageyama to the huge dance and you didn't back down from it.

Thinking over it, this was a horrible idea. But you'd promised your friend you'd do it and there was no backing out of this. You took in a few deep breaths and prepared yourself.

You've got this (f/n).

You stood up and walked around the table to the other side, next to where Kageyama sat.

If I'm going to do this, I might as well come off as dramatic.

You got down on one knee and looked up at him, a determined glint in your eyes that hid your nervousness.

"Kageyama Tobio from class 1-3." You said, loud and clear. "Will you do me, (l/n) (f/n), the honour of accompanying me to the end of the year dance?"

The lunch room was silent as they all awaited Kageyama's response.

He gave you a blank look. "No."
Gasps could be heard all around the room and everyone broke out in whispers. You swore you felt your heart stop for a few seconds until he laughed. "I was kidding. That's payback for this morning, (f/n). I would love to accompany you to the end of the year dance."

You breathed out a sigh of relief and got off your knee, standing up straight once again. "I'm going to make you regret embarrassing me like that, Tobio." You whispered and you saw Kenji shudder in fear next to him.

You hadn't had anything bad planned. You'd just make sure you'd look so good, Kageyama would swallow his tongue.


Even though you'd asked Kageyama to the dance so grandly, no matter who asked, the two of you would insist you're only going as friends.

"Bullshit." Yukio snorted when you told her. "No way are you two going as friends. Everyone knows you've got something going on."

"Everyone except him apparently." You sighed. Even your teasing didn't make Kageyama realise you liked him. And you thought he was observant.

"Forget that for now, we're going shopping!" Yukio exclaimed excitedly, to which you groaned in response.
Shopping was fun and all, just not with your shopaholic of a best friend.


Mmmkay we're getting somewhere folks

I love you guys I hope you know that

Stay fabulous babes xo

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