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"B- boke. "


"Hinata boke..." He trailed off.

Of course he was dreaming of his boyfrien-
I mean, best friend.

(A/N: don't worry readers, in this fic, KageHina is strictly bromance only)

I almost laughed aloud but I bit my tongue to stop myself.

"No, no! Run the other way! Dumbass!" A giggle slipped past your lips and Kageyama's brows furrowed. You worried that you'd disturbed his sleep until he relaxed again.

You breathed out a sigh of relief and began to walk away when you heard him mutter something else.


You stopped for a second. Oikawa-san?

"No, I won't lose to you this time."

You shook your head, smiling. Volleyball means that much to him, huh?

You left to go upstairs to your room, you still had plenty of homework to do since you had spent the evening cleanly frantically. You climbed the stairs and slumped at your desk, ready to do your work.

Unbeknownst to you, downstairs on the couch, Kageyama hadn't stopped sleep talking.

"I won't lose (f/n) to you again, Oikawa-san."


You jolted awake, feeling shivers run down your spine.

Did I fall asleep?

Checking the clock, you realise you did, in fact, fall asleep.
It was now 3:27 a.m.

You got up from your desk and pulled on a hoodie, but you still felt cold. You dived onto your bed, wrapping the duvet around yourself like a burrito and closed your eyes in attempt to sleep.

No luck.

You tossed and turned for about 20 minutes before giving up temporarily.
Grabbing a thin blanket, you wrapped it around yourself like a cape before heading downstairs, trying not to make much noise.

You passed the living room as silently as you could, attempting not to wake Kageyama who was sleeping on the couch, and making your way into the kitchen. You opened the fridge door and heated a cup of milk for yourself.

"What the hell are you doing?" Asked a sleep deprived voice.

You almost jumped in surprise but to your relief it was Kageyama. He was good at that. Noiselessly sneaking up on you.
"I wanted some warm milk." You said quietly, not wanting to wake your grandma even though she was a very deep sleeper. "I heard warm milk makes you sleepy."

"It does." He confirmed. You figured you could classify this as a fact since the milk expert was the one talking. "Could I get some too?"

You nodded and handed your cup to Kageyama straight from the microwave, before heating another cup for yourself, not wanting to make him wait another while.

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