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Yukio was way too excited. She was going with Kenji, it seemed. They said they were going as friends but you caught the tone of her voice when she said it.

There was something she wasn't telling you, but you smiled to yourself.
They'd be quite cute.

Yukio was popping in and out of shops until she found a dress that stopped her in her tracks. You had to admit, it would look gorgeous on your best friend.

It was a black dress with a boat neck, and it stopped about mid-thigh. The sleeves went just a little past her elbows and a golden belt was hung around its waist.

Yukio asked the shop assistant to take it off the mannequin so she could try it on. You went around the shop while Yukio changed, looking for a dress of your own.

Your friend stepped out, looking dazed and her her eyes shining. "(F/n) this is the dress. I feel it. It's this one."

You nodded, smiling brightly at her. It'd been a few hours and you were glad it payed off for her.

"You look breathtaking, Yukio. Screw those boys, I'd rather go with you."

She laughed. "I'd have said yes but there's no way I'm stealing you from Kageyama. That boy would spike me halfway across the world."

"As if he'd have the guts to even touch you knowing I'd skin him alive afterwards. You're my number one, babe." You winked at her.

She clutched at her heart dramatically. "I felt that babe."

You both chuckled and Yukio were back into the changing room to wear her normal clothes again and you encountered a dress that suited your liking.

The top half was white and the bottom half was a soft pink, and it was asymmetrical. The front part of the dress stopped at about mid thigh, but it was much longer at the back, brushing the floor. Heels would keep it from getting dirty.

You showed Yukio the dress when she stepped out of the changing rooms and she nodded vigorously, telling you she approved. You tried it on and you grew even more fond of it. It transformed you from an everyday couch potato to a very attractive potato and you were okay with that.

Yukio and you bought your clothes without much of a fuss and finally went to grab something to eat.

You invited your friends and met up all together. Hinata was with his date, Yachi. She seemed shy and a little nervous to meet everyone but she looked adorable and you assumed she was sweet if she managed to snag Hinata.

"H-hello! M-my name is Hitoka Yachi." She stuttered.

You gave her a warm smile. "I'm (l/n), (f/n). Pleased to meet you."

"Shiroko Yukio, great to meet you Yachi." Yukio grinned at her.

"Takeya Kenji, pleasure to meet you."

Yachi nodded at each of us and you elbowed Kageyama. "Greet her you dumbass." You hissed in his ear.

"We already know each other." He muttered elbowing you back. You has to act surprised, as if you didn't send Kiyoko out to scout Yachi as assistant manager.

You cocked your head to the side. "You already know Tobio?" You asked.

She nodded slightly. "I recently joined the volleyball team as assistant manager, that's how I met Hinata-kun!" She explained.

You turned to Kageyama with an accusing look. "You never told me!" This part wasn't acting anymore. Kageyama never mentioned that Yachi officially joined, or that they were friends.

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