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You waved a bye to Hinata and entered your house, Kageyama silently following after you.

"What is your problem?" You snapped at him as soon as you closed the door.

It was nearing 8 in the morning and your grandma wouldn't wake up until it was at least 9. You wanted to get this conversation over with before she woke did.

"Nothing." He said shortly and turned to head to his room but you stood In front of him.

"Don't give me that crap, Tobio." You scoffed.

"Oh now I'm full of crap?" He retorted. "Why do you even care, (f/n)?" You felt your heart drop when he said that.

"You know what? I don't care." You stated.

"Fine." He said, emotionless.

"Fine." You replied, shivering a little at his harsh tone.

The two of you turned on your heels and stormed away.

You came to a stop and sweatdropped. You were headed into his room- not yours.

Biting your lip out of embarrassment, you turned back around, passing Kageyama as he also seemed to have realised he headed the wrong way.

You both refused to meet each others eyes and you made sure to stomp up the stairs to show that you were still mad at him.

He retaliated by slamming his door shut, and you both slumped in disappointment, not having solved the issue at hand.


"(F/n) wake up, it's past 10." You heard your grandma call from downstairs.

"Coming grandma!" You called and rushed to help her out with breakfast even though it was a little late.

"Have you freshened up at all? You look horrible!" She exclaimed, but her voice was laced with concern.

"Wow thanks grandma." You clutched your heart, feigning offence.

"You know what I meant dear."

"I woke up early," You told her, "I guess I didn't sleep that well." It wasn't a complete lie, you'd falling asleep studying and even when you'd slept on the bed, you were woken up only two hours after that by an asshole, and you barely managed to get any sleep after your little argument. Broken sleep wasn't working out too well for you.

"Ah never mind that, drink some warm milk before you sleep tonight and you'll be fine." My grandma soothed. "Now go wake up your boyfriend."

"He's not-"

"You know what I mean, child."

You sighed and trudged to his room unwillingly and slowly opened the door. He was dead asleep, his duvet half on the floor and he looked like he was attempting to creat a snow angel on his bed, but belly-first.

You'd had laughed if you weren't annoyed.

Look at him sleeping without a care on the world even after arguing when I couldn't sleep a wink. Why am I even surprised? Boys will always just be boys.

You didn't bother waking him up and skipped to the kitchen. "Grandma I don't think he'll listen if I call him. I'll make sure the pancakes don't burn, why don't you wake him up?"

↳ 𝖇𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖙║ (ᴷᴬᴳᴱᵞᴬᴹᴬ ˣ ᴿᴱᴬᴰᴱᴿ)Where stories live. Discover now