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"Well if it isn't the psycho lil bi-"

"Watch your profanity, you constipated hyena." You snapped, interrupting Kenji.

"Or you'll what?" He taunted.

You didn't take him seriously at all. This guy was a coward. "Oh Tobio, hold me back I'm telling you! Hold me back!" You said in an overly dramatic voice.

Kenji stepped forward and yanked at your hair and reached stretched his hand out to slap you. Kageyama swatted Kenji's hand away and dragged you a few feet away from him. "No! Don't hold me back! Don't you dare hold me back! Did he really just yank my hair? And almost slap m-" You were stopped in your tracks when you felt a punch on the side of your abdomen, sending you right into Kageyama's arms.

If it you weren't pushed into this, you would have stayed there a moment longer, enjoying the warmth and comfort Kageyama gave you, but Kenji had flicked your angry switch.

You stepped away from Kageyama, ready to give him a piece of your mind when Kenji pushed you aside and punched Kageyama straight in the stomach.

That does it.

You turned to face him with a dangerous glint in your eyes. A glint that was all too familiar for Kenji and he began to tremble in fear. You weren't about to go easy on him.

"Coming after me is one thing. Going after my friends, however." You stepped towards Kenji and he backed away, tripping as he walked backwards and fell on his back and you crouched down to Kenji's level. "Is something I will never let you get away with." You punched him exactly where he'd hit Kageyama and knocked the air out of him.

"N-no! (F/n), please! I'll do anything just spare me. I won't bother you ever again. I swear!"

You stopped in your tracks when he said 'anything'.

"You really mean that?" You asked him.

"No offence (f/n) but you're kind of a psycho bitch." He muttered to which you only laughed, his eyes widened in fear realising you'd heard him. "That's not what I meant-"

"Nah, I could care less what you think of me. I meant the doing anything part."

He stared at you. "Yeah..."

"Great." You smiled, a little revenge plan forming in your mind. "Be at my house bright and early tomorrow, or I'll find you and finish off what I started here. 7 am sharp Kenji! Don't forget!" You called after the boy who was running away from you out of fear for his life.

Kageyama had only been observing, he didn't seem to be hurt and you weren't surprised there since Kenji wasn't exactly the strongest out there but you were still worried. He'd gotten dragged into this because of you in the first place.

"Are you okay?" You asked softly, to which his eyes widened.

"Am I okay? (F/n) what about you?" He was worried, yes, but something else. Angry?

"Hey I'm sorry that he hit you-"

"He almost slapped you (f/n). And he kept tossing you around like you were a piece of cloth."

"Well it's not like I just stood there and let it happen." You shrugged.

"I'm sorry I didn't do anything I'm just not one for much violence." Kageyama said, his voice below a whisper. And that's when it hit you. He was angry, yes. But at himself. For not fighting for you or protecting you.

Your eyes softened and you pulled him into a hug. "You don't need to apologise, Tobio. Just because I get into fights doesn't mean you have to get involved in them. You don't force me to enjoy volleyball but I come support you. I'm not forcing you to gt involved in fights or asking you to support me. Just don't stand in my way, because I don't fight without reason, I promise."

He wrapped his arms around you and buried his face in your hair, and you felt happy. "You're such an idiot." You heard him say even though his voice was muffled.

You laughed. "Takes one to know one." You responded and eventually, even though you didn't want to, you had to pull away from  the hug.

"Where did you learn to fight like that though?" He asked on your way home.

"I was sent to a lot of crash courses when I was a kid. I did gymnastics and Karate for 3 years together, and kick boxing for 1 year and I quit all of them but since I got into fist fights a lot because my luck leads me to have a lot of people like Kenji in my life, I haven't ever forgotten to fight."

"That's pretty amazing." His compliment made you flush a bright red and you chopped his head.

"Don't say something that sweet so casually you idiot!" You scolded, tying to tame your poor heart.


"Ah! You brought your boyfriend again!" You grandma grinned at you and you face palmed.

"Grandma, for he last time, he is NOT my boyfriend."

"Oh we'll see about that." She chuckled.

You shook your head but smiled at the usual teasing and Kageyama had grown accustomed to it with no problem.

You returned to the table with a bunch of snacks while your grandma and Kageyama were in mid argument. "(F/n), you can't date him anymore." Your grandma stated, glaring at the blueberry.

You narrowed your eyes at Kageyama. "What the hell did you do?" You asked.

"(F/n), your grandma and I can't get along anymore. She has the worst taste."

You cocked an eyebrow at him. "He had the audacity to say strawberry milk is better than banana milk!" Your grandma exclaimed. "Who in their right mind-"

"That's because strawberry milk IS the better milk!" Kageyama interrupted.

You sweat dropped as your grandma and your crush bickered back and forth, wondering if she really was your grandma since she was acting like a 5 year old despite her age.

"What do you think, (f/n)? Strawberry or Banana milk?"

The two of them turned to you with expectant eyes. You rolled your eyes and grabbed yourself a mooju from the fridge. "Chocolate milk for me, thanks."

Your grandma and Kageyama looked at you in shock and distaste and Kageyama was first to speak. "We aren't friends anymore."

"I'm disowning you, (f/n)." Your grandma added.

"HEY! NO FAIR THIS IS BULLYING!" You whined and the three of you burst out laughing, somehow managing to put your differences aside for the time being.


YEET there's another chapter up for ya my babes, I wonder when I should start another conflict in the story because what's more fun than that ;)

Idk I kinda like how hints are but nothings stays all happy go lucky until the very end so who knows

Stay fabulous babes xo

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