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Arriving back at home, I let Domino free to run around the house carelessly as I make my way into the kitchen, following the strong scent of food. "Dinner's ready Lyla, tell your dad will you" My mum says when she witnesses me walk into the room. I quickly shuffle back to the living room to tell dad that dinners ready before going into the dining room to eat.

After devouring my dinner, realising it's already 4 and i'm supposed to be at work in half an hour, I run up into my room and quickly change my jumper into a plain black t-shirt. Grabbing my leather jacket on the way out, I sprint to the train station. Luckily I make it just in time as the train is arriving and I rush to buy my ticket before entering my mode of transport. Watching the trees rush by through the window, I lean my head against the glass and put my headphones in for the rest of the journey to my least favourite destination.

Finally arriving at the little town in which I work, I step off the train and stroll through the bustling streets until I find my way to the big building in which belittlement is thrown around in every room. Trying my best to look as happy as possible, I push the front entrance doors open and saunter down the corridors leading to the backstage entrance. From behind the door, I can already hear Ross' booming voice inside, I can't tell exactly what he's saying but it's enough for me to want to walk straight back to the train station and hop on a train home, but i know I can't do that.

Putting all of my effort into avoiding the unimpressed glances from the men in the room, I walk towards the door of the storage room to hook my leather jacket up and place my bag down beside the sofa where I usually do. I can tell tonight is going to drag more than ever. Ross already has a bad temper by the sounds of it and I already feel like it's probably going to get worse through out the night. I just really hope my shift goes by fast so I can just go home to sleep my distress away.

Unfortunately, my high expectations of the night flying by weren't exactly reached as it feels like i've been sat here for an eternity staring at the clock. It's only an hour until my shift ends, luckily Ross and the others are stood at the side of the stage jamming along to the band, I can't see or hear which band is playing tonight but i'm guessing it isn't as good as last nights judging by the sound of the quiet cheers that sound more like monotonous humming. I decide to take Ross' distraction as a chance to slip away and take a quick smoke break before I have to tidy up the gear from the stage when the show is over, which is in around half an hour.

Taking my jacket with me, but leaving my bag in case someone got suspicious that i'd left, I silently make my way to the exit door and close it behind me before sitting on the step I sit at every night. Lighting my cigarette, I hear the loud cheers coming from the pub across the street from my workplace. Peering my head around to see what the commotion is I notice a familiar, long haired boy dressed head to toe in an adidas tracksuit, the bandana he was wearing last night isn't there today, instead his hair is just flowing freely to his shoulders blowing in his face with the wind.

It doesn't take long for my stupid arse to get caught staring at what looks like huge fun, before I can even move back to my spot on the step behind the wall, the adidas wearing lad comes strolling over with a weird looking smile plastered across his face. He's clearly wasted, the way he's stumbling over with a lopsided grin proves it. "Van see I told you!" He randomly shouts, it comes out as more of an intoxicated slur as he turns to wave at Van, who's stood against the wall of the pub with another lad smoking his lungs away just like me.

"Larry you knob head come back!" I hear an unfamiliar, strong accent shout and I notice it came from the bearded man Van is stood with.

The short boy ignores his friend, shaking his head and pivots his body to face me, "Van wants your number darlin" I laugh at his intoxicated state and shake my head, i'm definitely not giving my number out to some drunk lad in the back alley.

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