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The days eventually turned into a full week which passed fast like seconds did, and the dreaded time had come for me to go back to work, or in other words hell. The only reason I'm remotely 'excited' to get back to my job is the fact that I'd be earning money again and the week that I'd had off wasn't spent too well, due to my antisocial ways and my utter lack of friends, well other than Lois and Van and even Larry, who I'd actually grown super fond of over the days I spent with him and the other lads.

Changing from my fluffy cloud-print pyjama set, I slip on my usual, a black pair of distressed jeans and a band t-shirt, in this case it was The Strokes, which I'd actually bought from eBay a few years ago but I've never even worn it, and only today did I deliberately pick it out after the tune of Reptilia began to blare from the speaker of my record player. It was unusual for me to be in such a good mood on a Monday, the first day back at work, but here I am, bopping my head to my music and throwing my body around the room as I try to find some matching socks.

In the end I definitely didn't find matching socks, instead I found one which was bright yellow, dotted with blue circles, and one which was orange, striped with thick black lines. I didn't care though, nobody would see them underneath my boots.

Hearing my name being called from the floor below, I make my way to the source and find my mum standing beside the familiar figure of Lois, who's shivering from the cold outside, coat in hand and gloves still covering her fingers.

"Don't mess up the house, and please for the love of god, feed your dog!" Mum demands before rolling her eyes and skirting past Lois, making her way out into the open to head to work.

"Nice socks" Lois says with sarcasm and I realise I didn't even put my shoes on when I was in my room, not that I'd need them inside the house anyway, "so, footie again today?" She asks with a laugh, although I thought she was joking at first, she does sound serious so the laugh is just from the knowledge that I hate hearing her scream and cry over a bunch of lads in football kits, a fact which she obviously finds amusing.

Rolling my eyes, I take her coat from her hands and place it on the only empty hook, telling her to put her shoes wherever as I did so. Of course I didn't want another footie day again, but saying no would mean we'd either be sat playing on my dad's PlayStation or watching some shitty film, Lois hates Star Wars so the film would end up being some horrifying chick flick, so in that case I'd much rather watch some lads kick a football around.
On the plus side, I only had to put up with it until 4:30, the time when work would take over.

"You best not scream though" I warn Lois as she switches on the once lifeless TV and I sink into the sofa, getting comfortable with a fluffy blanket.

"And you best not go off to answer the phone for Taxi McCann when you're supposed to be making me a cup of tea!" She laughs, to be honest I'd completely forgotten about that, at the time I knew she'd bring up the fact that I took ages because I was on the phone to Van.

That's another thing my week consisted of, other than boredom, a lot of teasing about that shaggy haired Welsh lad. Larry was obviously the main source of teasing, along with Lois, the two of them together are ridiculous. It's so stressful, they're even more like children than Van and Larry are.

"Fuck off you can't call him that" I joke, picking up my phone as a ping indicated a text, Lois rolls her eyes are the clarity that it is in fact the same man she'd been bothering me about.

'Free today?' text read, the grey bubble of text which put butterflies in my stomach, for whatever reason. I didn't have the heart to tell him I wasn't free. The fact that he was wondering if I was already warmed my heart up, it'd break if I knew I'd let him down when he wanted me. After typing in the response; 'Lois is over for a bit but you can join us if you want' I send it quick and my heart races and I look over at the grinning face of my best friend, curiosity mixed with mischief plastered in her expression.

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