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I woke up the next morning with the biggest head ache of my life. I have no memory of what happened last night, the last thing I can actually picture is me walking into the pub across the road from work and finding Van stood with his friends, who actually informed me that they weren't just his friends but they were also part of the band. The events after that though? My mind is completely blank.

Thankfully my dad left some pain killers and a glass of water on my nightstand early this morning when he informed me that he was off to work, I take the tablets into my hand and throw them to the back of my throat, swigging the water after. It feels like my whole brain is throbbing behind my skull, my whole body aches and if I don't get rid of the frown lines, caused by squinting at the sudden light, between my brows, they'll become a permanent feature on my face.

Sliding myself out from under the bed cover, I shove my hair up into a messy bun on the top of my head and make my way towards my desk to sort my face out before I face my parents. I cover up the dark circles under my eyes with a bit of makeup and i delicately apply some mascara to distract from my hooded eyelids.

Today I have the house to myself due to both my parents being out at work, so I don't exactly know what I'm meant to do all day. I could take Domino on a walk, but after yesterday's little fiasco, I don't really think that's a good idea. Making my way downstairs to make myself some breakfast, I check the time on my phone and see that it's almost one in the afternoon, below the time is a text notification from an unknown number. I unlock my phone, going on to the messages to see who's texted me; 'Hiya it's Van, u gave me ur number last night but I doubt ya remember much, anyway it was class! x'

I smile at the words written in the little grey bubble and begin to type out a reply, but I pause for a second to think what I could even say in response to what he said. I have no recollection of last night so I can't exactly say I had a good time, how would I even know that? According to him it was 'class' so obviously it must've been good, but that could just be him having an optimistic outlook on basically every aspect of his life. I save the number quickly into my phone under 'Van', and go back to typing out the reply. 'Cheers for last night, we'll have to do it again some time x' I look down at the message I'd just typed, wondering if I sounded to forward, but I send it anyway in hopes that he'll just take it as a subtle invite to be my mate.

My head ache is still pounding, so I shut off my phone and place on the kitchen counter before making myself a cup of tea. When I'm done, I quickly take the dog for a walk around the field at the back of my house before coming back home to settle down now that the pain in my head has disappeared.

Thankfully, the day goes by in a flash and before I can process anything, my dad is already on his way home and I can see the sky darkening through the glass of the window. I take a quick shower before getting ready for bed, letting my hair dry naturally because whenever I use the hairdryer it always goes frizzy and that's the worst.

As I'm getting myself comfortable under the bed cover, I hear my phone ping from beside me on the nightstand. Confused as hell as to who could be texting me at this time, considering I don't have many friends, I pick up the phone and go on to my messages to see that my best friend, Lois, had texted me, 'hey, I was wondering if you fancy a catch up tomorrow if you're free?' The message reads.

What is it with people asking me to hang out these days? I've had more of a social life these past three days than I have in the past four years since leaving high school. It's a nice feeling though, it's good to know people actually find me fun to hang out with, unless they're just using me because they're bored but I doubt that's the case with Van, he's pretty much famous and he clearly seems to have a ton of friends.

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