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"What about this one?" Lois speaks as she opens the curtain of the changing room, revealing herself to be in a grey dress, fitted over a long sleeved top. I don't actually know why I'm sat on this tiny couch waiting for her to choose an outfit, she could wear anything and pull it off, there's no need for all the fuss, especially considering it's only a night out at the pub.

I sigh to myself quietly, looking up at her, "go with that one" I smile, trying to look as enthusiastic as I can. Truth is, I'm just really tired. I probably shouldn't have agreed to come out tonight, don't get me wrong I love hanging out with Lois but with the lack of sleep I get, it's just not a very good idea for me to be going out tonight. I guess it never stopped me before though.

Lois smiles in response, thanking me with a little nod and going back into the little room to get changed again, coming out and opening the curtain wide for the next person when she's finished.

We'd decided to come shopping before we hit the pub tonight because Lois was adamant that she had no clothes at home that would be suitable. I didn't buy anything though, I already had an outfit planned and I went shopping not long ago so there wasn't any point.

"So whats Bob's band called?" I ask Lois as we walk out of the store, trying to make small talk. We always talk about everything we need to say when we first meet each other in the morning, the rest of the day is just packed with small conversations that shift to different topics every minute.

Swapping the bag from one hand to the other, she takes a second to think about the answer, before sighing, "I can't fuckin' remember lass, it's somet' weird I know that" she laughs awkwardly.

"Are they any good?" I question, turning a little in the direction of the café, Lois follows with a groan of irritation, knowing that I'm probably going to be sat here for a while.

After ordering our drinks, we sit down at a table for two and carry on with our conversation again, "I've not seen them yet, Bob's the drummer though" she takes a sip of her iced coffee, mixing it with the straw when she's done.

"Oh right, have you not listened to any of their tunes?" I gulp down my hot chocolate, quickly discovering it's actually way too hot to drink after it burns my tongue. "Nah, never really asked to" she answers simply.


We decide to get changed at Lois' house, as she insists, because it's closer to the train station and for some reason she's dragging all the way through multiple towns to get to the pub she wants to go to. I have no idea why, considering we have various pubs near us that we could easily go to.

Slipping into the black skater dress that  I brought in the bathroom, I hear Lois calling my name from her bedroom, so I quickly straighten it out and make my way to where she is, finding that she's already dressed and ready to go. It's not even 7pm yet.

As soon as she spots me, she runs over to me and drags me to the mirror, "d'ya think Bob'll like it?" She asks with a worried tone. I have way too many questions linking to what she just said. Why does she even care what Bob thinks? He isn't around to see her, unless she's planning on sending him a picture maybe?

Furrowing my brows I turn to her and look into her eyes, which are outlined in black liner, "Bob?" I ask, curious as to why she mentioned his name.

She sighs, sounding irritated and shakes her head, "God, you really don't listen do you?" She says, laughing a little to cover up her clear annoyance. I don't understand what she means though, did she mention we were meeting Bob at some point today or am I misreading the whole situation? "I told you the other day! Bob's round 'ere with the band, that's why we're getting the train you knob head!" She clarifies, I can sense the humour in her tone and I immediately relax, knowing that she's not actually mad at me for not listening.

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