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"Can you make me a coffee?" Billie asked Maggie hopefully, who was reading a book at the kitchen table

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"Can you make me a coffee?" Billie asked Maggie hopefully, who was reading a book at the kitchen table.

Maggie looked up and shook her head slowly. "You've got legs, make it yourself."

"Ha ha!" Finneas pointed a finger at Billie with an amused look while Billie flipped him off.

"Mom, did you see what Billie did!" Finneas gasped and i sniggered.

"Y'all really be acting like five year olds right now." I told them, getting up from my seat to make Billie's coffee myself.

"Thank you." Billie said to me once i headed over to the machine. I gave her a thumbs up.

"Make me one too while you're on your feet." Finneas gave me a grin and blew me a kiss. I rolled my eyes and turned around to make another cup.

The sound of the front door closing made Pepper rise from Billie's feet and start going into a barking frenzy.

"Hey, girl, it's just me." A familiar voice spoke before her green hair poked through the door.

"Hi, guys!" Gemma smiled once she laid eyes on everybody in the room.

"Suppose you want coffee too, huh?" I asked her to see a confused expression cross her face before she shrugged and nodded.

"Coffee would be nice."

I laughed and nodded slowly.

"Billie, yours is ready." I turned to tell her and she hopped up from her seat and walked over to me. Her soft, blue hair was flowing down her back since she got a shower whenever we landed back from Claudia's. She wore a red tracksuit which i loved on her.

Billie gave me a soft smile and grabbed her hot cup from my hands. Her short self leaned up and pressed a gentle kiss against my temple while muttering a "thanks" and sitting back down.

I tried to hide to blush from everyone by turning around and continuing to make Finneas' coffee.

I decided to take a little sip before he noticed so i brought the steaming cup to my lips and took a small sip.

"Hey, i saw that!" Finneas scolded me and i laughed with a shrug.

"It's ready. Yours is too." I told both Finneas and Gemma.

"I'll get your cup." Finn said to Gemma with a smile.

"Thanks." Gemma grinned at him and i handed Finneas both cups before he placed one in front of Gemma and taking a seat beside her.

I made a cup of coffee for myself because i've got to treat myself every once in a while, you know.

I hopped up on the counter and grabbed the hot cup beside me, bringing it to my lips and sipping a little, not wanting to burn my tongue.

bitch // billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now