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"I'm gonna kill you

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"I'm gonna kill you." I glared at Billie after she pulled up to a fancy looking restaurant. "I'm not dressed up for this!"

"Shut up, Mia, you're gorgeous." Billie said seriously which made me blush. This girl, y'all.

"They've got a sick vegan menu. Food's so good." She hummed while licking her lips. "Come on!"

"Okay!" I shouted back, opening the door to get out of her sexy ass car. Billie was already standing at the restaurant doors waiting for me.

I walked over to her with furrowed eyebrows.

She placed her hand on my cheek and let her thumb glide over my skin. "What's wrong, love?"

"I look like shit."

"Hey!" Billie suddenly shouted at me. "Don't talk about my girl like that."

"Oh, your girl, huh?" I asked her, throwing my hands around her neck while wriggling my eyebrows.

"Yeah. My girl." She replied with a smirk, leaning down so her lips brushed against mine teasingly.

"Oh my god, i knew it was her! Billie!"

I quickly pulled away and stood away from Billie while chewing my lip nervously and trying to ignore the young girl that was coming up to us.

"Hi, mamas." Billie grinned brightly and pulled her in for a hug which she eagerly gave back.

"I love you so much." The girl let out a loud sob and Billie grabbed her face between her hands to wipe the tears away.

"Don't cry. How are you?" Billie asked sweetly while i stood there looking awkward.

"I'm great, thanks! How are you? And i mean, how are you. I don't want the "i'm fine" shit i want to know how Billie is doing." The girl responded. I smiled at the question.

"Oh. I'm just going to eat so i'm feeling pretty good." Billie smiled and looked over to me, which the girl did too.

"Aren't you Mia Levy?" The girl asked wearily and i nodded. "You've changed so much! In a good way though, you're very pretty."

"She really is."

I looked over at Billie when she spoke to find her gazing at me. My cheeks flushed and i smiled brightly. "Thank you so much!" I directed at the girl who smiled back.

"I'll let you guys eat. It was so nice meeting you!" She said to both of us, bringing Billie in for another hug. What i wasn't expecting was she brought me in for one too. I hugged her back and watched her go to cross the road.

"Be careful!" Billie called to her and the girl turned to give Billie a thumbs up before she crossed.

"Awk, Billie, she was so sweet." I said to her, smiling at the happy expression on Billie's face.

"She was. We better go eat before i eat you." She winked at me and i rolled my eyes, pushing the restaurant doors open.

"No, wait." Billie stopped me, grabbing my hand.

"Huh?" I asked her, an eyebrow raised.

"I want everybody to know you're mine. I wanna show you off." Billie grinned, squeezing my hand tightly.

"Damn you." I whispered when her words made me blush. Again.

Billie then pulled me inside the restaurant and my face dropped. The outside looked fancy as fuck but this, this, was too much. Especially for the way i looked right now.

As soon as we entered, i felt multiple stares digging into me. I just wanted to hide away from all the attention. So that's what i tried to do. I hid behind Billie slightly like a little child as she talked to a waiter, who led us outside. I was confused as to why we were outside but smiled immediately whenever we were directed to a table.

"This is beautiful." I said in awe, taking in all the scenery. There were trees planted all around the outside of the building with bright fairy lights dangling on the branches. A few other tables were occupied by couples while some remained empty and other people were up dancing slowly to the low music that played in the background.

"Sit, babe." Billie's soft voice interrupted me from my gazing as she pulled out a comfortable looking chair. I sat down and watched as she gracefully plopped herself in front of me.

"Marshal, hey. Um, can i get the usual?" Billie spoke to the waiter that stood at our table. He smiled and scribbled something down on his notepad that was in his coat pocket.

"Of course, Miss Eilish. And what would you like, Ma'am?" The man named Marshal directed at me.

"Can i have another moment? I haven't got a chance to look at the menu." I glanced up at him to see him nod with a small smile before he walked away.

"You know him?" I took the menu that Billie handed me and looked through the many options that all sounded so good.

"Uh, yeah, you do too." Billie said awkwardly while rubbing the back of her neck.

"What you mean?" I asked, totally confused.

"Mia, that's Marshal Oliver." She breathed out and i looked up at her, shock probably written all over my face.

"No way." I gasped. Marshal Oliver was Billie's first love since we were seven or eight. They dated for a while when she was fourteen but broke it off because Billie began to have feelings for someone else. I never found out who that person was. Marshal looked so different now.

"Yes way." Billie chuckled and i shook my head, looking up to see the boy we were talking about coming our way.

"You ready to order?" Marshal asked and i bit my lip, choosing the first thing that was on the menu, which happened to be a salad as i hadn't time to look and didn't want to send the guy away again.

"I'll have the salad, please." I said, rubbing my knees.

"No problem." He answered, scribbling it down on his notepad. "You ladies like a drink?"

"Wine, please." Billie perked up and i grinned.

"Make that red." I told Marshal just before he walked away.

"You're only getting a salad?" Billie had both her eyebrows raised in question and i laughed, knowing i would never usually get a salad.

"And you're getting wine? But yeah, i didn't have enough time to look. We can always get food later." I shrugged and looked around at the beautiful decorations again.

"Holy shit." Billie suddenly groaned and i snapped around to see what was wrong.

"What?" I asked before growing quiet as i saw exactly who she didn't want to see.



haaaaa this ending is shit and this gif is hot

A/N* haaaaa this ending is shit and this gif is hot

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