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A year earlier.

"Regina?" Emma shouts as she tries to look for Regina in the forest. The curse is coming anytime soon and she didn't want to be away from her love. She searched from place to place until she heard crunchy dried leaves being stepped on. "What the hell?" she blurted out. Her eyes widened as she saw Regina kissing Robin. She was filled with jealousy, anger and resentment. She walked out of the two and stormed somewhere.

On the outskirts of Storybrooke...

The residents asked a hesitant Regina if there is a way to stop the Curse, to which Regina revealed the big wrinkle in stopping the curse: "I have to say goodbye to the thing I love most. I can never see Emma again."

"But I just found you," Emma cried to her parents. "I'm not done restoring happy endings." Snow explained, "Emma, happy endings aren't always what we expect them to be. Just think how nice it could be that you and Henry can finally be a family."

Henry and Emma gave a final hug to Snow and Charming. Henry had a touching final few moments with Regina, telling her he loves her.

As the Curse approaches, Regina tells Emma that she and Henry will have to leave Storybrooke forever because once the Curse takes place, it will remove Storybrooke away as if it never existed while returning everyone to the Enchanted Forest and since Henry was born in the Land Without Magic, he won't be able to go back with them, but Emma will be able to stay with him because she escaped the first curse. Also they will not remember anything of Storybrooke or the people in it.

"This was my entire fault. I'm so sorry Emma. If only I could make it up to you. I wish I could."

Emma can't still process what was happening. She had her family altogether, she had her love and then all of a sudden it's gone. Regina tried to touch her but she shook her off.

"I understand why you are so mad. I swear, that kiss with Robin wasn't anything! I just-," She stopped and shook her head. As much as she wanted to explain, she can't. It was a deal she had to follow. "I just hope that you and Henry will have a better future," Regina adds.

She held Emma's hands but she winced in pain. "Emma where did you get these?" Regina asks as she studies the fresh bruises on Emma's knuckles. It was obvious she let out her anger by punching something hard. Emma looked down and formed her hands into a fist. Tears fell from Regina's eyes. She felt miserable because Emma did it to herself because of her.

She touched Emma's hands once again and this time she didn't pull it back. She rubbed her palm back and forth. "My gift to you is good memories, a better life for you and Henry. You wouldn't have given him up. You would forget about the hurt you're feeling for me."

"But that past won't be real," Emma comments. "But your future will," Regina responds.

"Not a day would go by I wouldn't think of you, Emma."

It breaks her heart as she says, "Goodbye Regina."

She doesn't want to go. What had she done to deserve such cruelty? All she wanted was to be with her family, to be happy with Regina.

"Now go, the Curse will be here any minute."

Snow approached Emma and kissed her forehead.

As Regina rips the scroll and zaps the encroaching smoke, Emma and Henry drive across the town boundary, leaving nothing behind. Storybrooke disappears in a puff of purple smoke.

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