Surprise, surprise

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It has already been a week since they got back to Storybrooke but Emma is wondering where Regina might be.

Emma and Henry were on their way to Granny's to have their breakfast.

"What would you like to have for breakfast, kid?" Emma happily asks

"I'm thinking if I'll have pancakes or bacon and eggs," he replies.

They were turning to a sharp turn when suddenly Emma bumps into a person holding a cup of hot drink. "Shit!" she exclaims while holding her hot white shirt turned into brown away from her stomach. Henry's mouth opened and closed repeatedly like a trout.

"I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to." the woman apologizes and dampens Emma's stained clothe. "Emma?"

The blonde knew that voice. How could she forget? She immediately lifted her head to see the woman in front of her.

Her jaw dropped when she saw who it was. She felt like the time stopped and her heart stopped beating. She was staring intensely at the beautiful woman. She longed to see her beautiful face. God, she is flawless, she thought. "Mom, are you okay?" Henry asks as he tugs the side of his blonde mother's coat who was smiling. "Mom!" he repeats but louder this time.

His scream brought her back to reality. "Yes, yes, I'm fine kid."

"Emma, how did you-"

"Do you know her?" Henry asks cutting Regina off.

"Ah-well, I-I want you to meet my old friend, Regina. She's the Mayor of this town." She stutters as she introduces him to her without breaking their eye-contact.

"Regina, this is my son, Henry." Emma felt weird while introducing them to one another when they spent 10 years living together.

Regina expected a hug from her son but instead, Henry reached out his hand for a handshake. "Nice to meet you Madame Mayor." She was hurt because her son looked right through her. But then she remembered she erased their past memories and gave them a different memory when they crossed the town. She shook the little boy's hand and said, "I'm glad to meet you, Henry." The boy gave her a sincere smile.

"Go ahead kid, order whatever you like. I just need to get a new shirt from the car. I'll come after you," Emma says in one breath.

As the boy walked towards the restaurant, Emma noticed a familiar guy walking towards them: Robin. He stopped at their spot, grabbed Regina by her arm and pulled her closer to him. Regina uttered, "Emma I-I want to-." She was startled and she sounded defensive. Emma was more shocked rather than surprised. "Yeah, Robin, right? Hi."

"Hi," he replies. I can't believe he still have the guts to say hi to me. Emma didn't know what to do or how to act so she did the easiest way out. "Got to go," Emma says as she turns around and walks quickly to her yellow beetle. Her heart was beating loud and fast. It felt like it would explode anytime.

Only Regina would cause her to feel like this.

'Okay, Emma, you need to calm down.' She tells herself as she tries to breathe in and breathe out. Her body was shaking, her breathing wasn't normal.

"Calm the fuck down!"

She looked at the side mirror to take a glimpse of Regina but what she saw was worse-Robin holding Regina's hand. She was standing still on the spot they bumped into. She wasn't moving nor talking. Robin wrapped his arm around Regina's shoulders then they started walking.

She was not expecting to see her today, especially with the guy she cheated her with.

Could it be possible that she was experiencing multiple feelings at once? She was happy, excited, shocked, disappointed, and angry. She felt she would faint any moment now. She couldn't believe her eyes: Regina with Robin. Oh my God.

She patted her face repeatedly, trying to wake herself up from the nightmare she's in. She hoped it was all just a bad dream but unfortunately, it is not. She took a deep breath, rubbed her eyes filled with tears and then decide to go to the diner to give Henry money to pay his meal.

Before she got out of her car, she composed herself so that her son wouldn't notice she cried a little. "Hey, kid. Is it okay if I leave you here for a couple of hours? If you need anything, I'll just be a call away."

"Where are you going? Can't I come with you?"

"No. Just stay here. I need to talk to someone regarding the case I'm working on. Well just in case you get bored, here's the key to our room at Granny's Inn. Okay? Love you."

"Okay. Love you too." Henry sighed and got back to playing with his Portable PlayStation. The wind chimes made a lovely sound, signaling that his mother had gone out already.


It's been quite some time since Robin gave Regina the time to be alone so she went out to grab a nice drink from Granny's.

Same old lonely place, she thought to herself. As she was walking down the streets she noticed a familiar car - a yellow VW beetle. She knew it was Emma's. She closed her eyes for a sec, opened it and then blinked repeatedly, thinking she was just imagining it.

But how is that even possible? She thought. She got lost in her thoughts that she wasn't even looking ahead while walking. She turned onto the next street when she accidentally bumped into another person spilling her hot latte all over the stranger.

"Shit!" the woman shouted.

Regina tried to clean up the mess she did, wiping the shirt of the girl. She didn't even notice that the woman was wearing a red leather jacket.

"Emma?" She asked excitedly. The love of her life is back and she wasn't dreaming. What made her happier was that she was with their son, Henry.

They weren't breaking eye contact as Emma introduced her to Henry.
She motioned for a hug but the boy offered his hand. She was hurt, but what can she do? This is the price she had to take.

They were looking at each other intensely with longing emotions. The spark she thought that was long gone started to ignite again. She wanted to hug her, she wanted to kiss her.

A voice suddenly called out her name from the back. Like a bucket of ice cold water poured on her, Regina realized she was with Robin. He stopped right next to her and pulled her closer to him as if taking possession. Regina wanted to explain to Emma but she didn't want it.

When Emma walked away, she didn't know what to feel. She felt everything and then suddenly nothing, she was numb. She knew Robin wrapped his arm around her but she couldn't feel it.

With his British accent, he says in a caring tone, "Regina, love? Are you alright?" Regina shook her head saying no. "What happened?" he asks. "I-I suddenly felt unwell," she says in a breaking voice. "I'll bring you home so you could rest."

They got to Regina's mansion. "I'll just stay until you get better," says Robin. "No, please go. I want to be alone," Regina says in a weak voice.

"No. I'll stay," he insists. "I'm not in the mood to argue." Not wanting to make Regina feel worse, he agreed. "Okay. Just call me if you need anything, okay?" She answered with a fake smile. He kissed her on the lips but Regina didn't kiss him back. She was so confused. She was happy with Robin but she's still in love with Emma. The feeling is so sickening she wanted to throw up.

When Robin left Regina tried to sleep but all she did was twist on her side and then to the other. She cried so hard resulting to a severe headache.

When she couldn't bear the pain anymore, she went downstairs to get some painkillers but no medicine could heal a broken heart. She cried and cried until she fell asleep.

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