Welcome Back to Storybrooke

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Present Time

Emma pulled up at her mother's driveway late at night while Henry was heavily sleeping at the back of her yellow bug.

"Whoa, I can't believe my eyes! It looks exactly the same! It's as if nothing happened!" Emma exclaimed. She couldn't believe she would see that place again, like ever. "How does it feel being back?" Hook asks. "It feels good to be back."

"Stay here, look after Henry," she says as she crosses the road.

"Where are you going?"

Emma turns around and says, "to talk to my parents!"

She climbed up the apartment and knocked on the door. David opened it and was shocked to see that her daughter is right in front of him.


"Emma!" He pulled her close and engulfed her in a warm and welcoming embrace.

"David? Did you say Emma? Why are you-," Mary Margaret asks walking down the stairs. David steps to the side just enough to let his wife see their daughter. "Oh my god Emma! It's you!" Mary Margaret exclaims as she rushed towards their child. She hugged Emma so tight she couldn't breathe. She never thought she would see Emma again. Tears were acting up on Mary Margaret and Emma's eyes.

"Mom," she squeaks but Mary Margaret wouldn't let go of her. Emma was holding back her tears. "Mom, I can't breathe." Finally Snow set her daughter free. She was so happy she couldn't contain her emotions. Tears of happiness were streaming down their eyes.

Snow was smiling but still crying. She cupped her daughter's face with both hands. "My Emma, I'm so happy you're back! But how?" She asks wondering how it happened.

"Well, it's a long story," Emma forces a smile.

"I couldn't care less!"

"Well uhm okay... Hook found me in New York. I was just about to marry a guy-" David cuts her off, "You're getting married?" He shrieks out like a normal overprotective Dad.

"...who turned out to be a flying monkey. Then Hook knocked on my door one night and kissed me," Emma continues.

"That pirate! I'm gonna crush his face!" Her father shrieked.

"David..." Her mom gives her father a look. "Okay, go on Emma."

"He kissed me because he thought a True Love's kiss would bring back my memories but it didn't. Then I kicked him right where it hurts most."

"He deserves it!" David shouts.

"Dad!" "David!" Emma and Snow shouts simultaneously. David holds up both of his hands.

"And then?" Her mother asks curiously and excitedly.

"Well, with all of my memory washed out, it was kind of difficult to believe what Hook kept telling me-about this curse, that I was the savior and that my family needed saving, things like that. I tried to get rid of him several times but he was really persistent. I don't know what happened but he convinced me to drink the potion that would restore my memories," she paused. "And when I did, I got my real life back," she explains smiling.

"That is really heroic! But I'm sorry about that guy I mean monkey, Em. You don't deserve such a thing," says Snow as she gives Emma another comforting hug. "It's okay, at least I didn't say yes to a freaking monkey," Emma bitterly jokes. She thought what she had with Walsh was real. She thought it might have been a happy ending... but she thought wrong.

"Anyway, what happened when we were gone?" Emma asks curiously. Both her parents just looked at Snow's big bump. "We just woke up with a baby in her womb. We don't know how, but right when you crossed the town line, we were all sent back to the Enchanted Forest and then one morning, we woke up in Storybrooke as if we never left. However, the memories of the past year were taken from us. Everything is still a blur," David explains.

"Who's evil enough to do such thing?" Emma asks with a confused looked on her face. Her parents just shrugged not knowing the answer to her query.

They talked about a lot of things. They felt like they needed to catch up with the lost time.

"Mom..." Emma shifts in her seat.

"What is it, dear?"

"Never mind."

"What is it, Emma? You know you can ask me anything," her mother reassures.

Emma lets out a deep sigh. "Uhm... How is Regina?" She's still a bit mad at Regina but she longs to see her. She wanted to fix their issue when she left.

Snow and Charming looked at each other like they were hiding something.

"Well, we haven't seen her lately. Actually, we rarely see her on the streets. But she is better than before."

"Oh." That was all Emma could say but the disappointment is evident on her face.

"So who wants a cocoa?" Snow suddenly asks. Charming raised his hand right away and also raised Emma's hand, making her smile.

"3 hot cocoas coming right up!"

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