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Emma raced like a jet to Blanchard's apartment, infuriated by what she saw. She knocked on the door hardly.

"Wait a sec," says Snow. But the knocking seems to be slamming now. "Coming!"

Snow opens the door with a creased eyebrow, "Who-Emma! Hey is there any problem?" She asks as she looks at her daughter's blazing eyes.

Emma comes in and slams the door behind her. "You know you could've told me!" She yells. "Okay, calm down, Emma. What are you saying, I don't understand?" asks a confused Mary Margaret.

"You could've warned me about her being with Robin! You said she was better! So you think she's better off with that outlaw thief than me, huh?" Emma yells again.

"Honey, it's not-"

Cutting Mary Margaret off, David buts in, "We wanted to tell you but we were still figuring out how. We don't want to hurt you."

Emma wouldn't accept the explanation. "Right. Thanks for the concern and thanks for the head start. I just saw them together with my own eyes," Emma says sarcastically, sounding more upset than angry.

"And I thought all parents want the best for their child," she adds.

"We want what's best for you!" Mary Margaret and David says in unison.

"And what's best for me is to be away from Regina?"

Emma's tears were unstoppable. She was hurt but what's worse was her parents keeping this thing from her.

"I shouldn't have come back to this place." She took a step back before walking out of the room and slamming the door shut.

Mary Margaret wanted to run after her daughter but David stopped her. She cried hard while her husband held her close and comforted her.

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