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Emma woke up with a headache. Her eyes fluttered open then she scanned the room. She realized she wasn't in her bed. What am I doing in Regina's room? She tried to think but she can't concentrate because of her migraine. Right. I got a little tipsy last night.

She could smell pancakes from the kitchen so that's where she headed after washing up.

"Good morning, Emma." Regina said nicely and smiled at her.

"Hi," she said with creased eyebrows. Her head was throbbing with pain.


"I guess so."

Regina made her a cup of hot cocoa with whipped cream and cinnamon on top. "Here."

Emma's lips curved into a smile. She was glad Regina still remember the littlest things she liked.

"Thanks. Is Henry up?"

"Not yet. He's still snoring." The word snoring made Emma chuckle a little. He knows Henry is a heavy sleeper.

"So about last night..." Regina started off.

The hot cocoa almost burned her tongue. "Can we not..."

"Mmm, okay."

They kept silent for the next few minutes. Regina continued making pancakes while Emma read the newspaper.

After finishing her drink, she washed it and placed it in the dish cabinet.

Regina watched the blonde closely from her peripheral view as the cabinet fell when she opened it.

"Emma Swan! How dare you break my cabinet!" Regina growled.

"I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! I was just opening it then-" Emma's heart started to pound. She didn't want to ruin Regina's day.

Regina tried to keep her angry face but ended up bursting with laughter. "It's okay dear, I was just playing around. That cabinet is really broken." Regina said with a big grin on her face. "I know I should get it fixed soon." She still couldn't forget the look on Emma's face when she growled at her.

"Damn it Regina! You scared the shit out of me! I really thought I broke it!" Her face started to heat up with embarrassment.

"It's not my fault I have a talent in acting." The brunette grinned and giggled.

Emma let out a deep sigh. "Alright. You're lucky I lo—" she stopped.

"You were saying?" Regina asked.

She was caught off guard. She didn't want to tell it to her yet because she didn't want to rush things between them.

"No-nothing," she stuttered.

"You're lucky I know how to do a little carpentry. Got a hammer?"

"Oh, why yes. You don't need to fix that anyway."

"If I won't, who will?"

Right. Who will? I can't fix that not unless I use magic, Regina thought.

"Are you doubting me, Ms. Swan?" She asks in her sultry voice.

"I'm not. But if you knew how, why is it still broken until now?" The brunette didn't answer. Why does she have to be this smart?

"See?" Emma teased. Regina rolled her eyes and handed her the toolbox.

Emma started hammering on the hinge. Regina never kept her eyes away from the blonde. She was captivated by her beauty. She find Emma really hot and sexy with all the muscles flexing when she hammers the nail.

"Mom, what's that noise?" A sleepy Henry complains.

"Sorry kid, had to get this fixed so your mom wouldn't be able to play tricks on someone else." Emma smirked as her eyes met Regina's.

Regina chuckled while Henry creased his eyebrows in confusion.

"Emma, you can finish that later, let's have breakfast."

They sat across each other while Henry sat on the other side of the table. They never looked away as they eat their pancakes seductively.

"Mom, can I go sailing with Hook today?" Henry suddenly asks his brunette mother.

Regina almost choked on her meal as she heard the name of her mortal enemy.

Regina looked at Emma then back to Henry. Regina gave Emma a glare that obviously translates to why-didn't-you-tell-me-this-you-know-I-hate-that-guy.


"Mom please! I really want to go! Please please please."

Regina shook her head. "Just be careful."

"Yay! Thanks mom! You're the best!" Henry says as he kisses Regina on her cheeks.

After eating, Henry ran to his room while singing the intro song of Spongebob.

"Are you ready kid? Aye, aye! Captain! I can't hear you!
Aye, aye Captain! Oooooh!"

Emma smiled when he heard Henry chanting the lyrics. He's so cute and all giddy about his new adventure. Her smile shortly faded when she noticed Regina still glaring at her, probably jealous or angry, or both.

"Make sure he keeps an eye I mean his two eyes on our son or else he'll have to wear two hooks for the rest of his life." She spat the words as if it was poison. Emma chuckled at the threat.


It was already ten in the morning.

"Henry!" Emma calls out.

"Coming!" He responds through his closed door. His voice sounded like it came from a cave.

Emma and Regina walked towards the front door, smiling foolishly at one another.

"Ms. Swan, thanks for fixing my cabinet."

"No problem, Madame Mayor, it was easy as pie."

"Now, I'm thinking what to break next..." Regina crossed her arms and pursed her lips.

They laughed.

"If you break anything and get me to fixing it, I swear I would break your neck, Regina."

"Is that a threat?"

"Nope, just saying." They both laughed heartily. Emma falls in love with Regina even more. She loved hearing her laugh and she would do anything just to make her happy.

Regina grabbed Emma's hands. "Seriously, thanks for coming."

"Well, thanks for letting me crash."

"Anytime." Regina winked and leaned in to steal a quick kiss with Emma before Henry comes down.

When Emma turned around, Regina squeezed the blonde's ass a little, making Emma jump. She glared at the brunette who was grinning widely. Regina watched the blonde make her way towards her yellow bug.

"Bye mom! Thank you for last night! I had fun with both of you! Love you." Henry hugged his
brunette mother as she placed a kiss on Henry's forehead.

When the boy finally got in the car, Regina waved them goodbye. Emma turned in the key and drove off.

Regina was left standing in her porch and she swear she could feel someone staring at her. She studied her environment looking for some creeper and when she found no one, she finally closed her door.

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