All Things Must Come to an End

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The Charmings, together with Henry and Regina went to New York to spend the New Year's eve.

"Regina, are you okay?" Emma asked a bit bewildered by Regina's odd actions. Regina only nodded and gave her girlfriend a small smile. Emma placed an arm over Regina's shoulder to pull her closer and kissed her on the head. "I love you."

Then the crowd chanted in unison. "Five... Four... Three... Two... One..." People waited excitedly as for the ball to drop. "Happy New Year!" everyone shouted simulteanously.

Screaming and horns piped filled the whole place as lovers and families held on to each other. Trillions of confettis showered the audience. It was a perfect moment for all, everyone was ecstatic.

As the world tore in a loud happy sound and the place turned into something beyond amazing, Regina's breathing became uneven. She couldn't take it any longer. She looked at her girlfriend straight in the eyes. Her vision was starting to get blurry, tears welling up on her eyes. She took a deep breath before speaking. "I couldn't take this any longer, Emma," she blurted out.

"What's happening Regina? Are you alright?" Emma shouted worriedly, fighting the raging noise of the crowd. Regina smiled widely but didn't say anything.

"Are you okay? You're making me nervous!"

Henry, Mary Margaret and David shifted their attention to the two. After a brief moment, Regina finally said, "Emma Swan, will you be my happy ever after?"

The blonde's eyes grew wide and her mouth closed and opened repeatedly. The three also did the same, shocked with the proposal happening infront of them. Tears rolled down Emma's face. She cannot process what she just heard, or if she even heard it right. Regina asking me to be her happy ever after? Is this even real? Am I not dreaming?

Regina waited patiently for an answer, studying Emma's shocked face. "Mom! Say yes!" Henry shouted, snapping her back into reality.

"Regina, I was supposed to ask you!" the blonde finally choked out.

"What? So, can you do that or-"

Emma couldn't speak from surprise and joy so she just nodded. "I'll take that as a yes." They hugged while crying for what felt like forever.

When they pulled away, Emma knelt down before her girlfriend. "Regina Mills," Emma said between her sobs while pulling a black velvet box from her pocket, "will you spend the rest of your life with me?"

"Of course, Emma. Of course I will!"

Emma grabbed her by the waist and pulled her for a passionate kiss. Regina moved her hands to cup her girlfriend's face. The kiss was perfect and it felt like it was the first time their lips touched. Emma opened the box and placed the ring into Regina's slender finger.

"It is beautiful! Oh my God I forgot to give you the ring!"

"You got me one?" Emma asked shocked. "Of course I did!" Regina said as she slipped the white gold band on Emma's pale finger.

"I love you," Regina whispered.

"I love you too."

Their lips locked once more. Fireworks lit up the dark sky as if it was on cue.

One year after Emma and Regina got married...

Emma woke up without Regina by her side. She washed her face and brushed her teeth before going down. She could smell something coming from the kitchen so she figured her wife might be preparing breakfast.

"Good morning, my Queen," Emma said then took a sip of the coffee sitting on the table top. "Good morning, Princess," Regina responded as she smiled widely at the sight of her love who was wearing a white tank top and a sweatpants.

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