Too Much Swearing

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The door clicked and Regina's snarkiness continued. The tension between them is still intense. No one's letting their guard down.

Emma plugged her earphones and turned the volume of her iPod to maximum. She flopped onto the bed and slouched against the pillows. She caught Regina glaring and mouthing something to her but she just ignored her. She closed her eyes and listened to the loud banging music.

Regina pulled the cord from her ears. "What the hell! Can't I listen to my music?" Emma growled.

"It's too loud. It's like you're not using any earphones at all!"

"Whatever!" She grabbed two pillows from the bed and made her way to the couch.

"Where do you think you're going, Miss Swan?"

"Damn it, Regina! I said don't call me that! I'll be sleeping on the couch if that makes you happy!"

"Did I give you permission to sleep on the couch?"

Emma threw the pillows she was hugging back to the bed.

"What's wrong with you? Why can't you talk to me without being all snappy! You go all Evil Queen on me and I don't even know what I did!"

Right, I am the Evil Queen. "Good night, Emma," Regina said plainly. She turned off the night lamp beside her and Emma did the same. Regina rolled on her side and pulled the sheets. A couple of minutes passed but Emma couldn't sleep still.

Their backs were turned away from each other. Emma tossed on her back and stared at the ceiling. Her heartbeat was still irregular with all the screaming that happened. She looked at Regina who's on the far side of the bed.

How could she sleep with all these arguments? "Regina," she whispers but the other girl didn't make a single movement.

When they fight before, they wouldn't sleep unless they settle their issues. Emma was really upset. She wanted to talk to Regina or maybe just even hold her.

She tried to resist the urge but she couldn't help it; she took a chance and moved closer to the brunette. When she didn't stir, she moved a little bit closer. When she was sure Regina was already sleeping, she placed her arm around her waist. Her arm fit perfectly on her curve. She rested her head on Regina's shoulders, sniffed her scent and hugged her. Little did she know, Regina wasn't really sleeping but rather wide awake. She heard when Emma called her name, she knew when she twisted position and when Emma touched her, she shivered inside. Feeling Emma's skin rub against hers made her gave her butterflies in her stomach. She did her best to keep still so the blonde wouldn't notice she's not asleep. After a while, she heard Emma let out a deep sigh and removed her arm from her. The blonde got up and headed downstairs.

Emma pulled a glass from the dispenser, placed some ice cubes from the fridge and grabbed a scotch from Regina's stellar. She sat on the high chair and poured the scotch into her glass. She was over thinking everything. She laid her cards down and looked at all the possibilities on why Regina was acting as such.

She chugged the liquor in one drinking and wiped her mouth. Then she drank one after another. Her head was resting on her right arm with her fingers massaging her temples in circular motion. She was pouring her 4th batch of alcohol when someone had stopped her. It was Regina.

"Emma," she whispered...

"What now?" she snapped. Her face was flushed. She wasn't used to drinking a lot because she was allergic to alcohol.

"That's not good for you," Regina said in concern.

"You don't know what's good for me," Emma said and chugged the scotch. "I said stop that!" Regina grabbed the glass from Emma's hand spilling a little onto her lap.

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