The Stranger

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Mary Margaret was sitting by their booth at the diner waiting for Emma when a stranger walked towards her.

"Snow White?" An unfamiliar woman asked.

"Yes? I uh, sorry do I know you?"

"Not really."

"Who were you I mean, you know, back in the Enchanted Forest?"

"I'm just a nobody. It doesn't really matter," the woman shrugged. "My name is Zelena and I worked as a nanny before."

"Oh that's wonderful! But how come you know me?" Snow asked, feeling embarrassed she didn't have any clue who the stranger was.

"Who wouldn't know Princess Snow White, the fairest of all? Your face was everywhere," the woman says smiling. "I noticed the big bump. Is it coming anytime soon?"

"Oh, yes. He is coming out very very soon," Snow said happily.

"Oh it's a boy! You must be very excited."

"Indeed we are."

"Well, I was wondering if you would need any help since I worked as a nanny before. Tons of kids. God, I love them."

"Really?" The face of the pregnant woman lit up with joy and excitement.

"That's if you want me to."

"I would love to!"

The door chimed and Emma came in with a huge smile on her face.

"Emma!" Snow exclaimed, "Dear, you look smitten! Where have you been?" she asked as she studied the face of her daughter who was trying to hide her smile.

"Me? No! I uhm, I just dropped Henry at the docks," she said while looking at the stranger in front of her mother. Snow noticed the look on Emma's face. "Oh I'm so sorry! Zelena, this is Emma, my first born. Emma, this is Zelena, she'll be helping me go through labor."

"Hi Emma. Nice to meet you," Zelena said holding out her hand to the blonde. Emma shook her hand and smiled in return. She looked at the stranger quizzically, trying to study her thoughts.

"Excuse me for a while." Zelena got up and ordered food at the counter.

Just when she was quite far from the two, Emma whispered to her mother. "Mom, since when do you know her?"

"Uhm, just now?" Snow gritted her teeth.

"And you want her to help you with the baby? Seriously? Mom, you just met her! I don't have a good feeling about this woman," Emma explained. She felt quite uncomfortable around Zelena.

"Emma!" Mary Margaret looked at her in surprise.

"I'm just saying the truth!" Emma said holding both of her hands up in surrender.

Zelena came back to the booth with three coffees in a tray. She placed the coffee in front of Emma and Mary Margaret.

"Thanks but I got to go, okay?" Emma said as she kissed her mother's head. "Nice meeting you, Zelena."

"Enjoy your day, Emma," Zelena said.


That night Emma came home to see Zelena making a cup of tea for her parents.

"Hi Emma," Zelena greeted.

"Hey sweetheart," Snow said smiling.

Zelena went to the kitchen to get the cookies she baked.

"I thought we talked about this already?" Emma whispered.

"It's okay Emma, nothing to worry," her mother reassured. David nodded in agreement.

They had dinner but Emma didn't eat a lot. She was trying to figure this odd woman.

When they finished eating, the blonde went outside and texted Regina: 'Check your mail.' She dropped by the brunette's mansion and left something for her earlier that day.

She was smiling foolishly, thinking about what Regina's reaction might be when she finally sees her letter. Suddenly she felt hands over her mouth and strong arms grasping her from the back. She struggled to fight but there was some kind of odd smell that made her legs weak. She felt dizzy then her vision goes black.


Regina was going through her files when her cellphone buzzed. She got a text from Emma that reads 'Check your mail.'

Regina went to her mailbox to see an envelope. She tore it carefully using her slender fingers.

She was surprised to see a card.

'I know we're not like, together or anything but it felt weird to just not say anything so I got you this card.

It's not a big deal. It doesn't really mean anything. There isn't even a heart on it.

So basically, it's a card saying Hi.

Forget it.


She smiled after reading the contents of the card. She find it too silly but sweet. She went in and closed the door behind her. She was smiling from ear to ear when she got startled by an unfamiliar voice.

"Well, well."

"Who the hell are you and why are you intruding my house?" Regina glared at the woman who was touching the frames on her table.

"Is that how you greet your sister?"

"I think you might be mistaken. I don't have any sister!"

"Well to tell you, you have! My name is Zelena and I am your mother's first born." The woman told her as her fingers ran through the displays on the Mayor's house. "And these? All of these should've been mine!"

"Oh, I sense some jealousy," Regina smirked. "If you are my sister, why didn't Mother tell me about you?"

"It's because she abandoned me! I grew up in the faraway land of Oz! I was stripped of the things I deserve because of our mother's doing!" she screamed furiously at Regina. She was filled with hatred and jealousy. "I will get all the things you have! I will snatch all of your happiness!"

"And you think I will let you?" Regina answered back. "You don't know what I'm capable of."

"Oh, is that so?" Zelena asked mocking her. She grinned evilly before speaking. "I will start with your lover. I never thought my sister would be into girls."

Regina raised her eyebrow. "Lesbe honest, Regina! Name sounds like Emma? Emma Swan? Ring a bell?" she asked while picking an apple from the fruit basket.

"You don't get to touch the people I love!" The mayor sent a wave of magic to hit her sister but Zelena was faster so she dodged the attack.

"I see you're a little sensitive when it comes to your little puppy love," she whispered to Regina's ear then takes a bite of the apple she's holding. "Well then, you have to give me everything I deserve or else everyone you love suffers!" she yelled.

"You're evil!"

"No Regina, you are evil! And me?" she paused. "I'm wicked! See you tomorrow, sissy." Zelena brought out her witch broom and flew away.

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