Goodbye Robin

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Meanwhile in Regina's house...

Regina woke up with a big smile on her face. She was decided and nothing can stop her from wanting Emma back. She opened her side table where she kept her precious picture with Emma. She took a look on it and smiled but her smile immediately faded when she realized what has to be done: she had to break the heart of the man who loves her, Robin.

She was used to ripping hearts before but she never thought breaking someone's heart was more difficult. Robin was a loyal man and despite of being an outlaw thief, he has a good heart. He loved Regina more than anything in the world.

But what can she do? She can't reciprocate the love Robin's giving her because her heart belongs to another person, Emma. The woman she believes she was destined to be with.

He called Robin to come to her house. When he got there, he hugged her tight and leaned in for a kiss but when his lips were almost touching hers, she pulled away and she shook her head. Robin  was left wondering why.

She cleared her throat. "I just... wanted to talk."

Robin took a deep breath. "What's wrong, Regina?" He asked but she didn't answer.

"Lately, it's like your here but your heart is elsewhere. Please tell me what's going on because you don't look happy," he asked grabbing her hand and putting it down on his chest.

It was true, he deserved to know the truth. Regina knew that she needed all the courage she had even just to start that conversation so she took a deep breath and closed her eyes for several seconds.

"You see, that kiss, the one before the whole town got enveloped by the curse..." She paused thinking which word to use but she couldn't think of any. " was nothing," she continues.

He felt his his heart becoming heavier and he didn't know why. Like it felt harder to beat normally. "So why did you kiss me?"

"Because that was the deal I made with Gold in order to save Henry and Emma. I had to hurt my love so she would have a reason to leave."

"And what about the things that came after she left? Don't tell me, it was all part of the deal!" Tears were acting up on his eyes.

"No, Robin. When she left, I was broken. You stood by me and helped me get up. I was happy with you," she explained while holding Robin's hands.

"Then there's no reason for us not to be happy now. You do know how thankful and happy I am with you, right?"

"You are... but me? I'm not so sure anymore. You deserve someone who can equate your love, Robin."

"Regina please..." Tears were falling on Robin's face.

"I can't do this anymore. If I stay I'll just be fooling myself and you and that's not fair."

Regina's words shattered his heart in a thousand pieces. "Was I just your rebound? Your back up plan?" He snapped.

"No, of course not! How dare you accuse me of that! I did not plan to fall for you at all. It just happened. Robin, you're an amazing guy but I don't wanna lie to you. I love her and always will."

He looked straight into her eyes while shedding tears of pain. "I'm sorry. I just... I just..." He took a deep breath. "I love you Regina. If we only had the right time..."

Regina looked down. She was miserable and felt horrible for breaking such a genuine heart.

He hugged Robin for the last time. "Just remember that I'll always be here if you need me, okay?" Robin tells her and kissed her forehead.

After awhile, the guy finally leaves. She felt guilt free after breaking up with Robin. It may seem rude or heartless but she got so excited to share the good news with Emma: they could be together again.

She got her car keys and started driving off. She has to see Emma soon she tells herself.

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