I'm back

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When Henry woke up, her mother had gone out already. She left a box of cereals and a carton of fresh milk for the boy.

Something isn't right here. I need to find out what my mom's hiding from me, he thought.

So after he had his breakfast, he rummaged the box his mom brought with them.

Clothes, clothes, shoes, and more clothes.

Wait, what is this? he asked himself as his hand touches a different texture on the bottom of the box. A book?

He pulled out the big book and let the clothes fall onto the floor. Somehow, he sensed a different kind feeling towards the thing. The cover says "Once Upon A Time". Why does it seem familiar? Why haven't I seen this in our flat back in New York?

Wondering what it was, he scanned through the pages and little did he realize, he was reading every story. He was so engaged in reading, he didn't notice he was halfway done with the book. He flipped the next page and stopped when he noticed a picture of a boy that kind of looked like him. It was his story when Peter Pan brought him to Neverland and his family saved him. He continued reading it until the very last page where the story is about how the Savior and the boy had to leave the town because of a new Curse.

He dropped the book accidentally and closed his eyes. A sudden wave of thoughts went through him. It was like a movie played backwards and he couldn't understand what it was. It happened for a couple of seconds and when opened his eyes, he smiled. His memories were back.

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