Second Chance

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Emma went to her mother's apartment to apologize for being rude at them. She realized that her parents only wanted what's best for her.

She took a deep breath and knocked on the door. The door creaked open.

"Emma!" You can see the surprise in Mary Margaret's face.

"I'm sorry for acting up the other day, I didn't mean to-" Before she could finish, Snow embraced her in a tight hug. "Don't worry about it," her mom reassured her.

"Mom?" A familiar voice called out.

"Henry? What are you doing here, kid?" Emma was surprised to see his son in her mother's apartment.

"Mom I remember everything!" he said enthusiastically.

"Everything? But-how?" she asked sounding amused.

"Well I know you're not telling me everything. There's something more about the case you said you're working on. So I figured, if you won't tell me then I'll just have to find it out myself."

"You're one smart kid, Henry," Emma said while patting Henry's head.

"I guess it runs in the blood," said Mary Margaret and giggled.

"So tell me, how did you get your memories back?" Emma asked the boy nosily. "I rummaged through the box you brought here and accidentally went across my Once Upon A Time book."

"Wait, what? Your book as in your Book book?"

"Yeah, I read the stories and then all of a sudden, my memories were back. It's like the past were saved in the book. Mom, thanks for bringing the book with us."

"That's weird! I have no idea how it got there!"

"Stop bluffing, mom. Game over!"

"No, kid, seriously. I didn't know how it got there! I mean, who could've placed that inside? I didn't bring that here and I'm sure as hell we didn't have that in New York!" Emma explained.

"I guess the book finds it way to get back to the person who needs it most. Do you remember when I gave it to Henry before when he was feeling alone and lonely? It just popped out from my closet! Another time is when we were trying to look for it when Peter Pan washed Henry's memory. We searched everywhere and we almost turned the house upside down just to find It. We didn't find it the first time but when I searched my box again, it was already there," Mary Margaret tells them with a big smile.

"Point taken." Emma looked at her mother then to Henry and smiled. "I'm sorry kid I had to keep the truth from you several times but I was just trying to look for solutions for your memory loss," she added.

"It's okay mom. At least now, we don't have to worry. I'm happy we're home."

"Me too, kid." The three formed a group hug.

"So by the way, can we go see my other mom? I miss her a lot!"

Mary Margaret and Emma's happy faces turned into a frown and Henry noticed the transition.

"Can we? Please mom?"

"Of course you can see her," Emma muttered plainy.

"Mom, I know she still loves you," Henry said softly as he squeezed his mother's hands.

"That's crazy, kid," Emma waved off the thought of her son. "It's not crazy! Mom, you have to believe me!"

"How can you tell?" she asked inquisitively, considering what Henry is saying.

"I saw the way she looked at you when we bumped into her. It's the way you look at each other before when you were so in love. It's also the same way GrandMa and GrandPa look at each other... Like they are looking at their one true love!"

Emma sighed at the thought of the boy.

"Mom, you have to talk to her." Snow nodded in agreement and smiled.

"Please promise me, you'll talk to her," pleaded her son while making dog puppy eyes.

"Okay, I'll try," Emma mumbled but not quite convincingly. "Promise me!" Henry demanded.

"Okay okay! I promise."

Henry's face lightened up. There's still hope, he thought.

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