Grand Ballroom

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Everything went back to normal days after Regina broke the curse...

Mary Margaret and David couldn't wait to announce their new baby's name. It's a tradition royal families do back in their kingdom. Everyone was busy with all the preparations. They spent a week preparing for the Grand Ballroom.

"Emma, why aren't you picking up any dress?" Regina asks wondering why her girlfriend isn't that excited about the party.

"I'm not into those kinds of things."

"I'll just help you fit your gown," the blonde says smirking. "Fine, but after this, we're gonna look for yours." Emma shrugged.


"May we proudly present to you, Kingdom of Enchanted Forest, our first born, Princess Emma."

Regina dropped her mouth open as she saw the stunning lady walking down the stairs, holding her dress to keep her from stepping on it. All eyes were on Emma who was wearing an elegant red longsleeved silk gown. Her hair was neatly done and a crown was put to hold her hair in place.

Emma walked graciously to Regina who was having a lot of trouble looking her in the eye. "But you said-" Emma cuts her off. "I know. I wanted to surprise you," she continues. Regina smiles and says, "I must say, you really look beautiful. No, scrap that... you look wonderful. You're perfect." Emma blushed at the comment.

"And you too my dearest Regina, look very lovely." Regina's cheek started to redden and she looks down to hide it. "Hey," Emma lifts her chin. "Regina, you really look amazing." She was wearing a long, tight, dark blue, velvet backless dress studded with diamonds.

"Stop it, Emma. You're making me blush.."

"Damn, you look sexy in that dress!" Her comment made the brunette smile from ear to ear. They stared at each other deeply. Regina started losing herself in Emma's forest eyes. She never realized how pretty they were.

"Everyone, your attention please!" David snaps them out of the staring contest. "We proudly present to you, our son, Prince Neal!" Everyone was shocked why they named him after Emma's ex boyfriend but then Emma and Regina just left it at that. The hall was filled with a heavy applause afterwards.

David walks down the staircase with his wife and son. His wife greeted guests while he made his way to his first born.

"Can I have the first dance with my precious daughter?" David asks. Emma gladly gave her hand as they moved to the dance floor. The orchestra started playing. Regina went to dance with Henry, twirling him around and laughing.

After the first dance, David went to dance with his wife while Emma walked to Regina and their son, grinning at the sight of the two love of her life. Henry hands over his brunette mother to his blonde mother before going to the buffet table.

"May I?" Regina lays palm open and Emma gives her hand. The brunette rested her hand on the blonde's hips, holding her close as Emma placed her left hand on Regina's shoulder. They swayed to the music, feeling lost in the slow dance. Emma couldn't help but smile and stare at her partner making her uncomfortable. "What? Do I have something on my face?" The brunette asks but the blonde shakes her head and smiles. "Why are looking at me like that..."

Emma's eyes twinkle once again. "I just. I never thought we could be together like this," she says, looking right into Regina's eyes.

She couldn't quite believe what was happening in her life. Her, in a ball gown, with all these fairytale characters; but most of all, her, slow dancing with the woman who used to be the villain but is now the love of her life. It was almost too good to be true. She never felt this happy before.

"I too, my dear. Who would've thought the Evil Queen and the Saviour could happen?" They both chuckled. They didn't care what the others might think. They always felt like they were meant for each other.

Both of them were having a hard time controlling themselves not to kiss one another. Regina's grip on Emma's waist became tighter. She shut her eyes close as Emma wrapped her arms on Regina's shoulders and rested her head in one as they swayed back and forth. A few moments after, she whispers to the brunette's ear, "Regina?"

"Hm..." she answered, listening to the music.

"I love you." Emma said simply before kissing Regina on her jawline.

Regina pulls away a little as she broke out into a smile. Once they separated, they stared into each other's eyes and smiled once again. Regina dipped Emma and the blonde gripped tightly onto the brunette, afraid to lose her balance. Regina smiled at her girlfriend who looked really terrified to hit the ground, "And I love you too," the brunette says before capturing Emma's soft lips into a breathtaking kiss.


Fluff fluff! Kindly read my other OUAT fic, "Opposites Attract"! Chapters are up already! Much love!

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