Stay the Night

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Emma promised Henry he can stay with Regina over the night. But even before they reached Regina's mansion, it rained hard as if there was a storm coming. She couldn't even see the streets anymore because of the heavy downpour of water.

She made Henry wear her brown leather jacket and gave him an umbrella so he wouldn't get wet when he gets out of the car.

"Call me, if some things go wrong okay? Sleep early," she tells her son.

"Mom, I'll be fine. But I don't think you should go. Maybe you could stay for a little while. I'm sure mom won't mind." Henry smiled at her. "You think so? Hm, well okay. Just until the rain stops."

"I'll go down first so I could go to your side, we can share the umbrella," Henry says. "No. Just run to the door. I don't want you getting wet."

Henry quickly opened the umbrella when he got out of the car, ran towards their front door and called out his mother Regina.

Hearing her son's voice, Regina placed the plates back on the table, smoothed her silk black skirt and opened the door for her son. Henry hugged her tight and said "Mom, mom's staying, okay? Okay!" She was still processing what Henry just told her but she already saw Emma getting out of the car. She stood in her doorway and watched Emma in her white tank top, skinny jeans and knee high boots as she run towards her patio while covering her head with her hands. Silly.

"Hey," Emma says while wiping the raindrops from her face.

Regina responded with a half smile, a fake one or maybe a smile of lust. She was supposed to be mad at Emma for hanging out with Hook but boy, she looks hot in her wet look.

"Can I stay for a couple of minutes? Just until the rain stops," Emma says reassuring Regina that she wasn't intending to stay.

Her clothes were all soaked in water. Regina eyed her from head to toe. She was distracted by the bra Emma's wearing because she can see through her wet top.

"Oh-oh of course or you can just stay the night, Miss Swan," she stutters. Why the hell am I having speech problems?!

"That's so generous of you but I think that is quite too much to ask. I don't really want to stay long."

"I insist. Look at the rain, I don't think it will stop any sooner."

"Thanks for the generosity. Well, perhaps I could crash at Henry's?"

"Of course not. You do realize that my son has missed his room." Regina says in her husky voice.

"Okay?" That was all Emma could say. Where would she sleep? The guest room, she figured.

"Follow me, Miss Swan," Regina commands.

Emma was starting to get cold because of the rain.

"I'm sorry I'm all wet, I'll just mop the floor." But Regina didn't seem to mind her words at all. She guided Emma to a familiar hallway: it was leading to the guest room and Regina's room. Emma held her breath; she couldn't help but think of them sleeping together. She got excited until Regina opened the guest room. Damn.

After scanning the room like some sort of quality check, Regina closed the door.

"I'm sorry you can't use the guest room. It's dusty; it might trigger your asthma. I hope you don't mind sharing a room with me, Miss Swan?"

"Oh, of course not." Her face flushed but she was celebrating deep inside. Emma started shaking a little bit from chills.

When they stepped in the master's bedroom, Emma went straight to the bathroom so the water from her shoes and clothes won't drip on Regina's precious floor. She stepped out her wet boots, removed her top and wrung it. She was shivering.

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