A Sisterly Love

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Regina goes to the sheriff station looking for Emma but she found no one inside. "Emma?" Her voice echoes in the room.

She pulls out her cellphone and dials the sheriff's number. Her call went straight to voice mail. "Hi. This is Emma. Kindly leave your message after the beep. Beeeeeep!"

She tries again. "Hi. This is Emma. Kindly leave your message after the beep. Beeeeeep!"

For the third time she tries hoping Emma would answer the call.

Emma come on, please pick up your phone. "The number you're trying to call is out of coverage area. Please try again later." Emma's phone goes dead.

Regina runs down and heads towards her Mercedes, driving in full speed.


"David! Our baby's coming! Aaaah!" Mary Margaret screams at the top of her lungs, holding the rails of the hospital bed.

"Hold on, Snow! Okay! Just hold on!" David says panicking.

Dr. Whale comes in the room. "Just listen to my voice. Focus. Inhale... Now give it a push!"

Droplets of sweat started to form on Mary Margaret and David's heads. "One more! Push!"

After 20 minutes of labor, Regina comes in Mary Margaret's room. Snow looked so happy wrapping the newborn baby in her arms.

"Regina?" Mary Margaret asks, surprised that the mayor came in her room.

"David, I have to talk to you..." Regina says softly, the complete opposite of how she usually speaks. David squints his eyes and creases his eyebrows in question. "Now!"

"What is this about?"

"Can I talk to you privately?" Regina's starting to lose her temper but she tries her best not to explode.

"No. If you need to talk to me, talk to me now."

"It's about your daughter!" Regina snaps, her voice breaking. "I think Zelena captured her."

"What?! She could never—" She cuts her off.

"Please Mary Margaret I have no time for this! Believe it or not, Zelena is my stepsister and she's the Wicked Witch of Oz! She threatened me about getting all my—," Regina stopped. "I found out her plan and she's going after the Savior and... your son," she adds.

Mary Margaret looks at her husband horrified by Regina's words. "Emma was right all along! No! David no! Please she can't take away our baby!" Snow breaks down in tears as she holds her baby tighter.

"I won't let anyone take our child! Not again!" David shouts.

"I hate to break it but she's coming anytime soon. I casted a protection spell in this building so she couldn't get to you but I am afraid she possesses powerful magic. Powerful enough to break my protection spell."

David held his son and wife tighter. Then he storms out of the room as lookout for the witch.

Not long after, Zelena walks in the hospital holding out the dagger that can control the Dark One.

"Rumplestiltskin?" Regina exclaims, horrified to see him alive. She saw how he sacrificed his life to defeat the Evil Peter Pan and couldn't believe he was still breathing.

"I'm back dearie! Now if you may... please move a little."

"I'm not letting you get anywhere near them!"

"Well then I'm afraid I have to hurt you," he threatens. With a slight of his hand, he throws Regina two meters away, becoming unconscious on the cold hospital floor.

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