Sheriff Swan

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Warning: Steamy scenes coming... ;)

Everything went back to normal days after Regina broke the curse.

It was already half past two in the afternoon and Emma was in the sheriff station working. She was so caught up with paperworks she haven't taken her lunch yet. Her heart almost leaped out from her chest when her cellphone rang. She grabbed it and glanced at the name registered on the screen: Regina.

She picked up the call and listened to her lover speak with her velvety voice. "Hello Sheriff, I'd like to report a theft." She could sense the person on the other line smirking.

She knew this was nothing important since Regina's tone doesn't sound so worried. "What was stolen, Miss Mills?" Emma asks.

There was a brief silence until Regina spoke again. "My heart... by You," she said sexily. Her punchline made Emma smile from ear to ear.


"It's not silly. It's the truth."

"Haha, yeah. Then it's a mutual crime since you stole mine too."

"Copy cat! Make your own crime!"

"Haha. Sorry. But you still love me though, do you?"

"Course I do!"

"Why did you call anyway? Is there an emergency?" The sheriff asks worriedly.

"Nothing. I just..." she paused.

Emma heard Regina sigh then she continues, "I just really miss you."

"Aw, I miss you so much too, babe." Emma says with so much sadness in her voice.

"How are you? Have you taken your lunch?" Regina asks her.

"I'm just so tired with all this shitty paperwork." She tried to dodge the other question because she haven't eaten anything yet.

"Have a break and don't stress yourself a lot, okay? Have you taken your lunch?" Regina repeated. Emma gritted her teeth and wrinkled her face. There's no escaping this woman, she thought to herself


"Emma Swan! I told you not to skip meals!" Regina yells over the other line. Emma placed her phone away from her ear but it's as if Regina was on loudspeaker.

"I didn't! The time flew by so fast and I didn't even notice. I'll be going out to grab something to eat. Okay? Don't be mad at me baby please!"

"Make sure you'll eat something or else..."

"Hmm?" Emma hums.

" get no fun for a week!"

"That's it, I'm out to get a 4 meal course!" She heard Regina giggling on the other line.

"But seriously, Thank you," Emma tells her.


"Thank you for taking care of me even though you growl at me sometimes... or maybe most of the time," she giggled. "I'm just so lucky to have you," Emma says sincerely. This made Regina weak on her knees.

"That's because I love you and I want to take care of people I love. So if you could please get some food now," she demands.

"I will. I promise."

"Okay I trust you. See you the soonest please. I love you," Regina says.

"I love you too."

They hung up.

They haven't seen each other for the last 24 hours. It's just been a day but it felt like forever for both of them.


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