No More

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The clouds up above grew darker in gray as a loud clap of thunder was heard. The rain that was nothing but a mere drizzle turned into a heavy pour that could make any cat run. Lightning bolted across the sky in flashes of hot white; illuminating the dark fields down below. The cold rain soaked through your white school shirt, your (color) bra slightly revealing itself.
"Shinso...." you breathed.
Your feet were sinking in the mud but you didn't care. Not right now. The wind picked up whipping your wet hair across your face. You quickly pushed your hair back. Shinso stood in the field with you, just a few feet away. He had his back turned to you, his cellphone lied in the wet grass; droplets of rain running down the dimly lit screen. He was still on some sort of call with someone. His school bag was also dropped to his side.
After school had ended, Shinso received a call just when club hours were about to start. His face turned pale white and he had rushed outside. The storm had begun and other students were being told to go home by their teachers. You had no time to think. Only run. You ran as fast as you could after that boy. He never acted this way. Your lungs burned but your legs kept moving until you were led to this field by the water.
Thunder rumbled on like a giants belly that was hungry. The wind howled in the distance while birds flocked to shelter. Up ahead, a group of middle schoolers were rushing home on their bikes. How could it all be so loud yet so quiet?
"Shinso....what's wrong? You just ran out like that. I'm scared," you said worriedly.
He was still silent.
"Shinso, please. What's going on? Who was on the phone?"
His hands balled up into fists. You took a small step towards him. By now, whoever was on the phone had decided to hang up. You took careful steps towards Shinso to not upset him. When you were only a few inches away, you tried to get his attention again.
"I'm gonna come around, okay?" you told him gently.
You walked slowly in front of him. What you saw next shocked you to the core. Shinso's eyes were puffy, and red from all the tears he had been crying recently. Hot tears mixed with cold rain and slid down his face. You rushed over to him, cupping his face with your hands. You quickly attempted to wipe his tears away.
With a touch of your fingertips, Shinso collapsed into your arms. He buried his face into your neck; letting out shaky sobs as you ran your hand up and down his back. You had no idea what was happening.
"Shinso, tell me what's wrong, please!"
"My parents-" he gasped.
You felt a shiver run down your spine. "W-What about them?"
He cried even harder. You could feel his hot tears soaking your dress shirt.
"They're dead!" he choked out.
Lightening illuminated the look of horror on your face; thunder drowning out the sobs that escaped your lips next. You wrapped your arms harder around Shinso, the two of you falling to the cold, soggy ground.

This would forever change both of you.

Falling (Shinso Hitoshi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now