hold on

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- There is smut in this chapter -

     For the past couple of days, you had been thinking about Yaoyorozu nonstop. Even though she had attacked you and put you in the hospital, you didn't want to hate her. Deep down you understood that she wasn't okay. Her parents could try to surround her with lavish things, but she never wanted their money. She just wanted them to act like normal parents. This made you feel sorry for her because she missed out on something that you were lucky to have. Your mother tried her hardest to support you and gave you all her love. That was something Yaoyorozu may not ever get to experience from her own mother. Sure mommy and daddy issues don't excuse any behaviors, but it does give an insight as to why certain things happen. Now you hoped that Aizawa would do his best to help her. The conversation you had with him seemed to go well however, you were still worried of what would happen to Yaoyorozu after the school began their official investigation on her and her family. 

      You yawned, rubbing your tired eyes. You had been feeling more tired than usual lately. Probably because there wasn't a moment when you weren't dealing with something or had something on your mind. It was 11 PM and you figured it was best to sleep now. This way you could hopefully fix your terrible sleeping schedule. You slipped into your pajamas and snuggled your favorite stuffed animals underneath the covers, ready to let sleep take over. 

*bbbrrrttt brrrttt*

You slowly opened your eyes, your heart beating a little faster due to the fact that you had been woken up so abruptly. You turned towards your nightstand to see your phone vibrating loudly on the hard surface. You furrowed your brow when you read Shinso's name on the lit screen. Rubbing your eyes, you tapped on the answer call button and brought the phone up to your ear. 

"Hello?" you yawned. 

"(N-Name)?" Shinso stammered.

His voice wavered on the other end. You sat up in bed alarmed upon hearing his voice. He didn't sound okay to you at all. You checked your phone quickly to see that it was 2 in the morning. Something was definitely up. 

"Shinso? Are you okay?" you asked worriedly. 

He took in a sharp breath. "Uh, y-yeah. I'm okay....I just...."

He let out a deep sigh. 

"What's wrong? You can tell me?" you said softly. 

"You're gonna think it's so childish," he lightly chuckled. You heard him sniffle on the other end. "I probably shouldn't have called anyways. It's late."

He was trying to pretend he was okay but you knew he had to have called for some reason. You were fully awake now in bed, worried for Shinso. You reached for the lamp on your nightstand and turned it on. You wanted to make sure you would stay awake. 

"No, it's okay," you reassured. "I'm not gonna think it's childish, Shinso. You can trust me."

He let out another shaky breath. "I had a dream, well more like a nightmare, about my parents," he murmured. 

"Oh Shinso...." Now it made sense why he had called you so late. "If you don't mind me asking, what did you dream about?"

"I, um, I...I...." He was struggling to get the words out but you gave him all the time he needed. After taking a deep breath, he spoke again. "I dreamed," he said slowly.  "I dreamt that I saw them dying and I-I just stood there. I just stood there and no matter how hard I tried to move and  run to them, I couldn't. My feet were just glued to the ground. I-I couldn't even scream for help. All I could do was just watch."

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