are u gonna tell her?

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-Several Days After the Cafe-

        It had turned out that your hunch was right. In typical fashion, Yaoyorozu had sent out mass invitations to people who had previously attended her party. Surprisingly, you recieved an invite along with Jiro and Denki. You were sure you might have to sneak into her party considering Shinso had told you the rich teen wasn't a fan of you. But considering this was a large house party, the chances of you coming in contact with her would be slim. In the back of your mind, you were thinking of all the possible ways to approach Yaoyorozu. You had probably rehearsed your conversation with her in your head a thousand times, knowing that it wouldn't go as planned. 

       The night was far from over and there you were in the kitchen, taking shots with your best friend and her boyfriend. For some reason, you and Jiro always drifted to the kitchen when it came to house parties. You two danced to the music, swaying your hips as the alcohol coursed throughout your system. These past weeks had felt so hectic and an emotional rollercoaster. Now that you were here tonight, ready to talk to Yaoyorozu, you felt yourself grow nervous and anxious. So you needed just a little something to help ease your nerves. You grabbed your red solo cup off the counter and took a swig. You were more than ready to let the liquid courage take over and kill your inhibitions. 

You stopped dancing for a moment to catch your breath, the room spinning. The space around you began to feel much smaller as you noticed all the people laughing and hollering all around you. 

"I'm gonna go outside to get some air," you told Jiro. 

"Let me know if you need anything," she screamed over the music. 

She wrapped her arms around Denki's neck and pulled him towards her to dance. 

     You clumsily walked into the back yard where the pool was. The same place where you had first shared a kiss with Monoma. It felt ages ago since you wandered to the pool and sat next to the blonde haired boy. The night that would shape the new relationship that would form between the two of you. Surprisingly, you hadn't run into him at the party and were unsure if he had even come at all. You attempted to pull down your dress that was a little too tight, before almost falling on your ass. When you looked up to see who had grabbed you and prevented your fall, it was none other than Shinso. 

"(Name)," he sighed. "You need to be more careful."

He continued to hold onto your arm as you stumbled over to lie down at a poolside chair. He sat down at the edge of your chair, looking at you with a smirk on his face. 

"Had too much to drink again, I see?"

"Just a li *hiccup* ttle!" 

You had a dazed smile on your lips as you lied down on your back and looked up at the stars. It helped calm you down after feeling like everything was spinning earlier. 

"I'm just glad I found you this time instead of someone else..."

"Someone else like Monoma?" you giggled. You cheekily raised your eyebrows in a suggestive manner, making Shinso sigh. "Soooooooo I was riiiight," you sang. 

You burst into a fit obnoxious giggles, Shinso rolling his eyes at you. 

"You're so drunk," he said with a light chuckle. "Why'd you drink so much, princess?"

"I didn't drink that much. Just, just a teeny tiny bit. Besides, it's a party!"

"I don't think I've ever seen you act this way. It's kinda cute," he fondly smiled. 

Your face reddened at his remark. "Well, whatever. Shouldn't you....shouldn't you be off somewhere chasing Yaaaoyoorozu?" you slurred her name as it felt too difficult to pronounce in the moment.

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