When the Party's Over

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I'm not going to that.

It's not my thing.

Have fun, Shinso. 

           These 3 thoughts replayed in your head over and over again. You had told yourself time and time again how you weren't going to that stupid party yet here you were staring at yourself in the mirror. You put on a little black dress that you paired with a nice pair of silver hoop earrings. You felt like you were dressed over the top for some stupid high school party. However, this had been the 5th time you had changed and it was either now or never. You reapplied your favorite lipstick and dumped it into your bag. 

         Your mom was taking another shift at the hospital and you figured it'd be nice to get out of your house. Plus, some of your other friends looked like they were also attending the party. The time on your phone read 10 PM. It was definitely time to go. You weren't planning on staying too late. With a spray of perfume and the click of your heels strapping in, your were on your way out the door. 

            The ride to Yaoyoruzo slowed as it approached the gates that were held open to visitors. A worker checked in with you to make sure you actually went to her school and weren't just some random kid who wanted to crash the party. With his approval, your driver slowly made his way to her front door. You felt your palms getting sweaty and your knees shaking with nervousness. There were already a few kids just lounging around on her steps and near her giant plants that were cut in wacky shapes. 

"Is here alright, Miss?" your driver asked. 

His voice snapped you back to reality. "Oh yes, this is fine."

        With a shaky hand you opened your door. The overall crowd was very mixed. Some people were dressed down and kept things casual while others clearly came here to have a good party. You were just dressed pretty moderately in comparison. At least you weren't going to stick out like a sore thumb. You took a deep breath to mentally prepare yourself to walk through that house and find at least one of your friends. 

        You shakily managed to get up the stairs and ignore the rude stares given to you. You were barely through the front door and already felt like an unwanted guest. You and Yaoyoruzo weren't the bestest of friends but you weren't enemies either. The two of you just never really clicked and that was okay. The house no, the mansion had music blasting so loud it was already making your ears ring. You felt the bass in your chest and at the bottom of your feet. Your eyes quickly scanned the crowd as you moved from room to room to find a group of people to mingle with. 

"Ha, you lose Denki!" 

A familiar voice followed by loud laughing could be heard coming from the kitchen. You moved from the dining room to the back. Sitting on the counter table was one of your beloved friends, Jiro and it looked like Denki had just lost to her at beer pong. He gripped at his hairs, shocked that he had indeed lost. A smile spread across your lips. 

"Jiro!" you called out.

Your friend squinted at you in confusion before throwing her hands in the air in happiness. "(Name)! You're here! I'm so glad you came!" 

She jumped off the counter and ran to give you a big hug. The other group of kids who you did not know that well, went back to poking fun at Denki. 

"I didn't know you were gonna be here," she said in awe. Clearly she already had a few. "I was gonna text you about it but figured you wouldn't be into it. My baaad." 

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