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     Another  day had gone by and you were now on your way to Shinso's home. As you walked down his street, you remembered when you first tried to visit him to try and reconnect with him. That day had completely blown up in your face. But it seemed so long ago. Now you were visiting him and you didn't need to worry about him being unwelcoming. In fact, it was the complete opposite. It was funny how things had played out between the two of you.

        You walked up to his door, ringing the doorbell. Shinso opened the door, smirking upon seeing you. It looked like he had just gotten out of the shower considering that his purple locks were darker and wet. That and the fact that he was shirtless and wore nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. Your face instantly heated up at the sight. You did your best to look at Shinso's face instead of his abs. All the times he spent training with Aizawa sensei definitely paid off by the looks of it. You knew he did this on purpose judging by the smirk on his lips. He opened the door wider to let you in.

"You're finally here," he grinned. "Sorry, I woke up late and just took a shower."

You took your shoes off before stepping down the hall. "Is he here?" you asked, trying to avoid looking at him. 

"He went out to get some more coffee. We ran out." 

     He walked past you and headed towards his room, motioning you to follow him. You hesitantly walked inside his room, feeling self conscious over the fact that Aizawa sensei wasn't home. Shinso walked over to his closet and rummaged through his things. You noticed his desk was less cluttered with school work and his room looked tidier than the first time you had come to visit. There were less snacks laying around and his clothes had been properly put away. You sat at a chair near his deck, trying your best to avert your gaze as Shinso pulled out a pair of sweatpants. You swiftly turned around when you saw him begin to take his towel off. 

"Wow, you weren't going to warn me?" you remarked. 

You stared straight ahead at the wall, grabbing a nearby book to distract yourself. Even though your back was to him, you could hear the smirk on his Shinso's face as he spoke. 

"I'm wearing boxers but I wouldn't have minded if you took a look."

"Just get changed already," you said flustered. 

     As you flipped through his notebook, your fingers traced his neat handwriting. You were used to seeing boys whose handwriting resembled chicken scratch. You flipped through pages, noticing the small little doodles he had made on the side of his notes. You chuckled when you saw a drawing of Aizawa himself drawn in a caricature way. His tired eyes were dramatized and his brows were darkened and bushier. Just as you were about to turn to the next page, Shinso grabbed the back of your chair and spun you around to face him. Your face heated up as he was only a few inches away from your face. He leaned on the arm rest of the chair, beginning to close the little space between you two. Your face was turning scarlet red as he continued to stare at you. When you attempted to roll away from him, he stopped, a grin slowly appearing on his lips. 

"What's wrong?" he asked, cocking his head to the side. 

His hair was still somewhat wet. He smelled like cologne and aftershave. You tried to avert his intense gaze but it was hard when he was literally right in front of you. 

"N-Nothing," you stammered. It was hard to act unbothered by him. "What do you want?"

He glanced down at your lips. "Having fun looking through my notebook?"

"Your drawings are cute," you shrugged. "I like them."

You tried to ignore the way he kept looking at your lips. He leaned in a bit more, the tips of his hair now touching your forehead. 

Falling (Shinso Hitoshi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now