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    The night was being spent restlessly as you couldn't stop thinking about how Shinso was doing. You tossed and turned in your bed, clutching the bedsheets to your aching chest. He had kissed you and then left just like that. What made matters worse was that he had an extremely valid reason to leave. Yaoyorozu had gotten hurt and that wasn't her fault at all. You were worried about her as well. The summer was just starting and the last thing that she wanted was to spend it in a hospital. You wondered how serious her condition was. 

Your phone vibrated singling a text message. 

Monoma: Hey, you up?

Monoma: Hope I didn't wake you ^^;

A small smile appeared on your lips. 

(Name): Actually, you didn't. I couldn't sleep tbh 

Monoma: ?

Monoma: Why's that?

(Name): Idk if you heard....

You pondered over whether or not you should tell him about what happened. It wasn't your business to share after all. Before you could answer, your phone vibrated again pulling you away from your thoughts. 

Monoma: About Yaoyorozu? Yeah I heard actually.

(Name): Really? So I guess word got around fast. It only happened about 2 hours ago. 

Monoma: The details are still a little muddy though since the police are trying to keep it as confidential as possible. I know it happened during the hero festival though.

(Name): Really? I was there and I didn't see her at all. I hope she's okay though. 

Monoma: Me too. If I'm being honest, hearing that you were there made me a little nervous. I'm glad you're okay too.

You blushed when you read his text message. 

(Name): Thanks for worrying :) 

Monoma: Is it okay if I call you? I wanted to ask you something.

You read his text message over, wondering what it was that he had to say to you that needed to be over the phone. It made you a little nervous thinking about what it was.

(Name): Sure go ahead ^^

A few minutes passed and Monoma's name appeared on your screen as he called you. You quickly picked up. 

"Hey," you said, hoping you didn't sound too nervous. "What's up?"

"I wanted to hear your voice is that bad?" Monoma chuckled timidly. "The unfortunate news about Yaoyorozu got me a little shaken up since one of my friends was with her. She's okay though."

The sound of floorboards creaking could be heard on the other end of the line.  Perhaps he was pacing in his room? 

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that," you gasped. "We can talk to keep your mind off of things."


"Yeah, I kinda have a few things on my mind too that I want to forget," you mumbled. 

"Well do you mind if I ask what is it?" Monoma asked curiously. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

You let out a deep sigh. "It really doesn't compare to what you're worried about though. It's actually really stupid."

"(Name), you can tell me anything and I won't judge you, okay?" he reassured you. 

He sounded sincere with his words. With a sigh you turned to your side in bed. Why was it that you couldn't stop thinking about Shinso?

"It's about you know who...." you mumbled. 


His voice was quiet. Almost like he hated saying that name. 

"Yup. Shinso...." you sighed. 

"Alright, what happened?" he asked, sounding bothered. "What the asshole do?"

      You covered your face with your hand as feelings of dread began sinking in. Even though Monoma wasn't in your bedroom to see you now, you still felt embarrassed about what you were going to say to him. You debated on whether or not you should even let him know that the two of you kissed considering that you kissed Monoma as well. But you were dating neither of these boys. But then again, why did you feel so nervous about telling Monoma? Like you were scared of losing him. 

"Something happened tonight and I don't know if I should tell you."

"Why's that?" he sounded worried. "(Name), like I said you can tell me anything. Please, don't feel like you can't trust me."

You let out an exasperated sigh. "We kissed tonight. And things were going fine until he got a call from the hospital about Yaoyorozu. Apparently, she specifically asked him to come."

There was a few moments of silence over the phone. With each passing second you felt like Monoma was just going to suddenly hang up. 

"I see..." he said slowly. "Okay I'm not judging you but yeah....not happy to hear that you guys kissed. But it's not like I'm mad at you. want me to give you advice about him?"

You groaned into your pillow, holding your phone as far away as you could. 

"I heard that," Monoma quipped. "Look, it's okay, (Name). Like I said I'm not mad at you but you do understand that I'm not gonna help this guy get you."

You brought your phone back to your ear. "W-What do you mean?"

"You can't be this naive, (Name)," Monoma chuckled. "Why would I help Shinso get the girl that I like?"

His words echoed throughout your head. Monoma liked you? But the two of you had barely spent any time together. You said hi to him a few times at school before the incident at the party but that was about it; save for a few conversations here and there. You didn't think that was enough for him to like you. Maybe be attracted to sure. 

Either way, your head was spinning.

"Wow, Monoma, I....I don't know what to say..."

You didn't want to hurt his feelings so you were at a loss for words. 

"I understand if you don't feel the same way. It's only logical since we haven't really hung out or anything. But I like you, (Name). I want you to feel the same way about me. That's why I can't really give you any good advice except to just listen to your head and do what feels right." 

"I see..." you said slowly, taking his words in. 

"I hope you're not mad at me or anything." 

"N-No, I'm not mad at all. I understand, really." 

Monoma let out a sigh of relief. "Good. Well it is getting late. I'll let you get some sleep. If there's anything else you need to talk about, you can always tell me."

"Ok, thanks, Monoma," you smiled. "Goodnight."

"Sweet dreams, (Name)."

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