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     The rain raged on in its downpour. It was the only comforting sound you had now that you returned to the very same place you tried to escape. Aizawa had given you a towel and offered you a dry shirt which you declined. You had the towel wrapped tight around yourself, a small puddle of rain at your feet below. You were sitting in their kitchen, Shinso at the head of the dining table while Aizawa made coffee. The two of you had refused to look at each other ever since Aizawa dragged you back.

"Here," Aizawa said, sliding you a blue cup filled with a cup of Joe. "The sugar is in there and if you want some milk, you can help yourself to it in the fridge."

He slid another mug to Shinso, who just drank his coffee black. 

Aizawa leaned back against the counter, his head falling back with a sigh. You grabbed the mug in front of you and let the warmth spread across your hands till it burned. You set the mug down quickly, using your red hands to help warm up your arms.

"So, (Name), does your mother know that you're here?" Aizawa asked. 

"She knows I went to the hospital to visit Shinso today," you answered quietly. 

"I see...." He looked over at Shinso. "So I take it that you were visiting Yaoyorozu?"

Shinso only nodded. 

Aizawa took a sip of his coffee before scrunching up his nose and going to the fridge to add milk. When he took his next sip, he looked pleased. 

"Now, I don't think I need to say this since you're both young adults, but I will," he began. "What you two were doing in that field was dangerous. (Name) we both know how chaotic your quirk can get even when it is just slightly out of control. Human emotions are more complicated than we think and can go hand in hand with physical pain."

"I wouldn't have used it if it weren't for him," you seethed. "He's the one who thought it would be a smart idea to use his powers on me instead of his words to make me stay."

Aizawa raised an eyebrow. "And just what do you think you were going to accomplish by doing that, Shinso?"

"I didn't want her to leave," he muttered, still avoiding your eye contact. 

"So you thought forcing her would be the next best thing, huh?"

He stayed silent. 

Aizawa shook his head in disappointment. The tired teacher leaned back against the kitchen as he contemplated on what to tell the two of you. He had made up his mind quickly. 

"(Name), go home. The weather is still too bad for you to go home on foot so I'm going to arrange for a taxi to come and pick you up." 

"That's really not-"

"I am insisting," he said. He took out of his cellphone and within a couple of minutes he had called a cab company. "They should be arriving in about 10 minutes. Shinso," he turned his attention over to the silent brooding boy. "We are going to talk in 15 minutes. I'll leave you and (Name) alone for now to give you enough time to apologize."

He gave a stern look to Shinso, as if to say, you're doing this or so help me. You could tell he was frustrated that Shinso had put you in such a situation. No one would like to be brain washed. 

    Aizawa took one last swig from his coffee cup before leaving the room. The room was uncomfortably quiet. The last thing you wanted was to try and talk to Shinso when you had nothing nice to say to him. You were fine sitting in silence for 10 minutes until your cab arrived. You swirled the little coffee you had left in your mug, trying to distract yourself.  So far, this was starting to feel like the longest 10 minutes of your life. Shinso was sitting at the end of the table, his eyes slowly creeping to glance at you. You avoided his gaze; not wanting him to think that for a moment you were going to welcome back into your arms. 


You didn't bother looking up.

He let out a long sigh. "I know...I fucked up. I should explain myself to you but there's no time. I just want to say I'm sorry. I shouldn't have used my quirk on you. I just....I didn't want to see you leave..." 

"There were so many ways you could've expressed that. But you knew I wouldn't have listened so that's why you did what you did."

Your eyes met his in a cold, cold glare. You began to feel this heaviness in your chest that started to slowly expand throughout the rest of your body. You needed to stay in control of your emotions, you knew that or else there would be a repeat of what happened before. 

"You're right," he confessed. "I don't have any excuses for what I did." 

"Damn right." 

He banged his fist on the table then ran his hand through his hair in frustration. "I want to explain everything please, (Name). I don't want you to think I'm just some, some...I don't know-"

"A fuckboy?" you answered cheekily. "It's too late for that. We used to be good friends before and I tried so hard to reach out to you before. But what I guess my friendship wasn't the offer you were looking for."

"That's not true," he shook his head. "I just couldn't bring you around me because I was just such in down mood. I didn't want to drag you down."

You looked at him bewildered. "And what you did instead is better? I can't believe you just strung me along and only decided to tell me now that you and Yaoyorozu are still dating. You've changed Shinso and I don't think we can be friends anymore."

"Wait, (Name), no please can you just give me some time to explain!"

Outside the sound of a car pulling up in front of the house could be heard. You both looked outside the kitchen window.

"I don't have time for that right now. And it's not like I want to hear what you have to say anyways," you said in a low, deflated tone. "I was an idiot for trying to get close to you again. That was my fault."

Shinso abruptly stood up. "That's not true!"

*honk! honk!*

"I'm just gonna go now."

You got up and gathered your things.

"Can we please just talk about this later?" Shinso pleaded in a desperate voice. 

This was probably the first time you ever heard him sound so vulnerable. But you didn't want to give him a chance to explain himself. You feared he would abuse your kindness and spin some lie to lure you back to him. You didn't look at him as you put your shoes back on. 

"(Name), I get that you don't want to talk to me. But I'm here if you do."

You looked at him one last time and saw the uncertainty in his eyes. 

"Goodbye, Shinso."  

Falling (Shinso Hitoshi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now