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       The final week of school had approached at last. Everyone at UA couldn't wait to hear that bell to ring; signaling the beginning of summer. You were one of the kids who were getting impatient by how long this final week was taking. You wanted to get out of your school as soon as possible. Especially after that lame party you had attended. After that, Shinso tried talking to you as if nothing had happened. You didn't understand it. So in the meantime, you tried keeping things brief but polite with him. 

"Hey, (Name)!"

You had been walking down the hallway when you heard someone call your name. You turned around to see Monoma from class 1B. 

"Oh, hey," you smiled. You waited for him to catch up to you. When he got closer to you, you lowered your voice. "I've been meaning to talk to you actually. I'm really sorry about what happened at the party last week. It was really immature for Shinso to do that you."

Monoma smiled at you kindly but his eyes said something differently. "For the record, I'm not mad at you or anything. It's him I'm annoyed at."

You nodded. "I don't blame you. He really doesn't use his powers like that. Even when we were kids he didn't."

Monoma sucked at his teeth irritated. "You don't have to defend him, (Name). Everyone knows he's different now. Even you must see that, right?"

You looked away from him. "I do's hard," you admitted. "I don't want to think he's changed for good though."

"Enough about that," Monoma chuckled. "I did come find you to ask you something."

"What's that?"

"Well it is lunch now so I was wondering if you'd like to accompany me and my friends."

"I don't know...." you shrugged. "I think it'd be best if I just chilled in the library."

"Nonsense, (Name)," he waved off your idea. "No one is going to be in there anyways. Listen we have a nice corner to ourselves if you're trying to avoid someone." 

Monoma looked at you with suggestive eyebrows. 

"Okay, fine, I'll join you," you grinned. 


Monoma grabbed your hand and started leading you to the outside cafe. You blushed at how his hand clasped yours and walked close by him. You were nervous that other students would see you. It was the last week and you did not want to start any drama with any girls that secretly had a crush on him. Monoma was a pretty weird guy but it's not like he didn't have any admirers. But it wasn't like a part of you didn't mind that he was holding your hand. Otherwise you would've yanked it away already. 

      Monoma had brought you to a table where some of his friends were seated. Due to the weather, almost everyone had decided to eat lunch outside instead of the cafeteria. Even Shinso who didn't like to stay out in the sun for too long, was seated at a table that was equipped with an umbrella. You noticed he was sitting with Yaoyorozu and some other kids from class 1B. You avoided his cold gaze and sat down with Monoma, your back facing Shinso. 

"Okay so it's the last week," said Itsuka Kendo. She pushed back a lock of her ginger hair. "Do you guys have any plans for the summer?"

"My parents want me to come with them to visit my cousins but I do that every year," Sen Kaibara whined. "I want to do something fun here for once, with my friends." 

"I agree," Ibara Shiozaki nodded. "I have been wanting to go to a spa or resort for a while. Would you want to go, (Name)?"

You looked at her in awe. "A spa? Of course!" Then reality hit you. "Oh well...I'm not sure if my mom can afford something like that. If I'm being honest, my summer is probably going to spent with me working."

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