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    The concert had gone by in a blur. You and Jiro had danced your butts off, the two each taking turns dancing with the guys. You watched Jiro and Denki with fondness, happy that your friend had found a boy who was absolutely entranced by her. Monoma surprisingly hadn't been all over you during the concert. It seemed like he was really going to respect the fact that you weren't ready to just jump onto someone else. For that, you were grateful he wasn't pressuring you and was content being your friend. 

"You sure you'll be okay?" he asked. 

He had offered to walk you home after Jiro went back to Denki's place.

"Yeah, I think I'm just burnt out from dancing and screaming so much." You yawned, the events of the night settling in on your body. "I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up losing my voice tomorrow."

"Hopefully that doesn't happen," Monoma chuckled. "Get some rest then and I'll see you later."

"Okay bye, Monoma. Thanks for walking me home," you smiled. 

"Anytime, (Name)," he grinned.

He waved goodbye before heading off to his own home. 

       You unlocked your house door and left your shoes by the entrance. It felt good to finally get out of those boots. Your feet felt sore as you stepped across the hardwood floors. Even though you were exhausted, you decided to take a nice hot shower before going to bed. You shed off your concert clothing, letting it pile up on the bathroom floor. You stepped into the shower and let the hot water relieve your tense muscles. Thankfully, your headache from your encounter with Yaoyorozu had managed to subside. You still slightly felt her emotions lingering in your mind but you tried not to focus on it so that it would quickly disappear. By tomorrow everything should be back to normal.

Should I call him? you wondered. 

      Shinso seemed very insistent that the two of you talk soon but you weren't sure if he really had something important to tell you. He had said he was keeping something from you and that had piqued your interest. Ever since that tragic day Shinso lost his parents, his whole personality had changed. He was distant, mysterious. So it wouldn't surprise you if he kept secrets from you. You sighed in the shower, exhausted both physically and mentally. 

One phone call won't hurt I guess.....

After your shower, you towel dried your hair and slipped into your comfy pajamas. You crawled underneath your bed covers and tentatively picked up your phone. You stared at Shinso's number; your phones blue light illuminating your worried expression. Finally, on impulse you decided to call him. Your thumb smashed the call button and you nervously listened to the ringing tone. 

It stopped. 


Shinso's groggy voice could be heard on the other end. Your heart skipped a beat hearing how sleepy he was. And you mentally kicked yourself for already getting exciting talking to him.

"H-Hey," you said into the phone. "Sorry, I know it's really late. I just thought...." You sighed. "Look, I can call back another time or something."

"N-No, it's okay. I'm awake. I'm awake now." 

You heard what sounded like rustling bedsheets on his end. Maybe he had decided to sit up in bed. 

" wanted to talk to me about Yaoyorozu," you began. "Funny enough, after our conversation, I ran into her at the concert."

Shinso was quiet for a moment. 

"Seriously? Shit," he cursed on the other end. "What happened? Did you talk to her?"

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