see u later

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    The next morning, your phone had vibrated loudly enough for you to wake up. You rubbed your eyes as you sat up in bed. In Shinso's bed to be more precise. The moody purple haired boy laid asleep beside you, wearing nothing but his sweatpants. You had slipped into his t-shirt for the night and you were tempted to take it with you back home. It smelled like him after all and you didn't mind his scent one bit. You admired his sculpted abs one last time before trying your best to quietly crawl out of bed. Thankfully, you had slept on the outside of the bed so it wouldn't be too hard. You scanned the room, looking for the garments you had thrown onto the floor. You spotted your sweatpants that had been flung practically half way across the room. Your toes hit the hard wood floor quietly and you were about to get up until you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around you from behind.

"Are you leaving already?" Shinso murmured in the crook of your neck. 

He yawned sleepily, his eyes half lidded. You looked over your shoulder and saw how messy his curls had become. It was too cute. Shinso wrapped his arms tighter around you, laying a kiss on your cheek. 

"I was wondering if maybe you wanted round two?" he asked with a mischievous smile. 

You blushed scarlet red as you remembered the events of last night. As tempting as it was, you didn't want to risk arriving home after your mom came back. Shinso began to kiss alongside your neck, making it more tempting to decide to stay. His hands wandered underneath the shirt that you wore, his fingertips gliding softly alongside your curves.

"You know I want to..." you mumbled. 


"But I have to get home before my mom comes back and before Aizawa sensei wakes up. You know that."

"Yeah, I know," he sighed. 

   He unwrapped his ams from your waist, a feeling you already missed. Shinso gave you a kiss on your forehead upon seeing your pouty expression. The two of you moved silently as you both got dressed. It was only 9PM and you were hoping Aizawa sensei was still asleep or that he was at least busy with something else. You now wore the clothes you had arrived in last night and Shinso was getting ready to call you a Yuuber back home so that you could get there quickly. 

"Damn, my phones dead. Let me go get my charger in the living room," he said. "I'll be back quick."

Shinso opened his bedroom door but froze immediately. His expression paled and you walked over to look over his shoulders to see what the matter was. Your jaw dropped upon seeing the box of condoms sitting in front of his door. Shinso quickly scooped the box up and shut his door, looking at you with wide eyes. 

"He knows," you both said simultaneously. 

Shinso pushed his hair back and exhaled as he set the box aside on his desk. He sat on his computer chair, pensive look on his face as he stared at it. 

"Were we too loud?" you asked timidly. 

You were mortified and could honestly disappear. You felt way too embarrassed over the fact that your teacher knew about what had happened last night. Of course it must have felt worse for Shinso since he lived with him, but you still felt pretty damn embarrassed. 

"I guess?" he said, confused. "But when he stays up late, he's a pretty deep sleeper."

"Well either way, he's definitely awake right now," you groaned. 

"Fuck," Shinso cursed. "Yeah, he is. There's no doubt about it."

He leaned back in his chair and then pulled you onto his lap. Shinso buried his face in your chest, sighing deeply. You had no idea what to do in this situation. Usually, whenever you visited someone for certain reasons, you always managed to leave their place before others showed up. This was a first in your book. Shinso pulled his face away and gently pushed you off of him.

Falling (Shinso Hitoshi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now