if you say so

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         The trip was coming to a close, and you were honestly relieved. After seeing Yaoyorozu about to kiss Shinso, and then seeing her leave his bedroom the next morning, you were sure you were done trying to get close to him again. With a sigh, you closed your suitcase. 

"Ready to go?" asked Jiro from the doorframe of your room.


"This trip was fun but we have more fun things to do when we get back. Me and Monoma were already talking about it."

"What did you guys have in mind?" you asked curiously. 

"We're thinking of going to a concert festival in the next fews days. I heard a bunch of new artists are supposed to be perform and some of them look so cute," Jiro gushed. "So you have to come with me."

"Um I don't know if I can. This trip was kinda expensive for me so I don't know if I'll have enough money for a concert festival...."

It was awkward to admit but true. As much as you wanted to go all out with your friends, you needed to reconsider the feelings of your mother. She was working very hard this summer to be able to provide for you and you didn't want to have to take advantage. Even though you used some of your own saved up money to partake in this trip, that money was strictly for emergency purposes. 

"(Name), don't worry about it. I managed to snag a few tickets while participating in a radio contest. So of course one ticket is reserved for you," she smiled. 

"You are way too kind to me."

You enveloped Jiro in a tight, almost back breaking hug to thank her for inviting you to this concert. She hugged you back just as hard, the two of you almost losing your balance and falling onto the floor. 

"Okay, let's head out of here already," she giggled. "We have a train to catch!" 


      Unpacking was a bit stressful as you were too lazy to finish it. Your mother barking at you to clean your room didn't help as well. As soon as you came back, she wanted you to help around the house since she would be too busy working. You didn't mind helping out since she would be working all night to make ends meet, but you wished you just had a little bit more time to settle in. Nonetheless, you put yourself to work so that your mom would come back to a neat and tidy house to relax in. Cleaning also helped clear your mind. 

Slowly, you were beginning to not care about the Shinso and Yaoyorozu situation. There was no point in trying to figure out what was going on between them. At the end of the day, it would only cause confusion and heartbreak. 

       Eventually the days passed quickly and the day of the musical festival had arrived. You informed your mom you would be out late even though she'd be at work by the time you returned, and made your way to the park where it would be held. You wore a sparkly (color), low cut top paired with your favorite jeans and boots. You were ready to have the best night ever with your friends. 


You turned around to see Jiro shouting your name in between the mass of people. She jumped and waved her arm to catch your attention, but you couldn't miss her with the way she screamed your name. Next to her was Denki and Monoma. You made your way over to your friends, squeezing past bodies and beer breath. As soon as you got to them, Jiro pulled you in for a massive hug. She nearly squeezed you out of your top. 

"Whoa, sorry!" she giggled, pulling your top to cover yourself.

"Damn Jiro, I'm not trying to give these people a show here," you laughed. "Hey guys," you addressed the boys. 

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