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There were two empty seats left and all the male trainees were wondering who the last two people were.

"Who who who are you?" Dongpyo said in a funny voice.

"Who do you think it will be?" Sihoon asked and just on time, the company name showed up on the screen.

Gasps and shocked faces were heard and seen in the chair room.

The words 'JYP ENTERTAINMENT' were shown and everyone couldn't believe.

"Jyp! Jyp!"

A male trainee walked out and his picture showed up on the screen with another beside.

"Oh? What does that say?" Junho asked Sejin as he squinted his eyes to see it.

"Special Trainee?" Sunho said.

"Why is the picture hidden?" Jinwoo noticed.

Whispers were heard from around the room and Yun Seobin turned back to face the entrance for this other trainee.

Finally the person walked through and everyone gasped once again.

Walking confidently, a girl came through the entrance and stood beside Seobin.

"Woah! Its a girl!"
"A girl?"
"Why is there a girl?"

Lots of comments were made but they didn't bother Ryujin, she expected many of the boys to be shocked.

Her eyes scanned over all the seats and the trainees looked at her.

"Waaah! Her gaze is so confident" Dongpyo said while trying to imitate it.

"Yah hajima" His friend said making Dongpyo sigh.

"Half air, half noise" Seungyeon joked while trying to master the JYP sound but failed.

"Where should we sit?" Seobin asked her and she pointed to seat 81 and 80.

"Those ones are free" she stated but Seobin kept his eyes up.

"Ryujin, lets try" He said referencing to the Number 1 seat.

Seobin started walking up and Ryujin sighed, following behind. Reaching the top, the two boys battled it out and in the end Seobin had won the number one seat.

"Ryujin you wanna try?" Seobin laughed and Ryujin gave him a glare.

"No i'm alright, you keep it" Ryujin joked as she walked back down the steps.

'Wasn't there like some sort of curse for the number 1 seat?'

Sitting down in seat 80, Ryujin took the time to look around the room and trainees around her.

'So they weren't lying when they said I was a special Trainee...'

After a little while, Ryujin could hear the sounds of boys arguing in a whisper beside her and soon a poke on her shoulder caught her attention.

"Umm Hi I'm Seongwoo" The boy introduced himself and Ryujin gave a smile.

"Oh Hi I'm Ryujin, nice to meet you" she replied while giving the boy a kind yet very awkward handshake.


All the trainers had come in and the grading had finally began. Trainee after trainee performed and quite a few were getting put into Grade X.

Since Ryujin was a special trainee, she would perform perform by herself and not with Seobin. Her time to perform came and Ryujin took a deep breath before going up onto the stage.

"Ahnyeonghaseyo! I am Ryujin from JYP Entertainment and i've been training for 3 years" Ryujin introduced herself to the trainers.

"Ahh! You are the special trainee" Representative Lee Dong Wook commented.


"Lets see your perfomance" Trainer Soyou said.

Ryujin did her performance, showing off her singing, dancing and rapping skills. She made sure she left nothing on the plate for this grading.

After finishing, she stood in the center stage once again and waited for the trainers comments.

"Your voice is very husky and deep, it suits you very much" Trainer You Me commented.

"Oh thank you!" Ryujin bowed.

The trainers discussed between themselves and had decided on her final grade.

"Trainee Ryujin, your grade is...A" Dong Wook announced and Ryujin's eyes widened. She gasped and bowed to the trainers, thanking them many times before running back stage.

Grabbing her sticker, she showed the camera before putting it on.

"A...I got an A" Ryujin commented before leaving.

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