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Everyone was gathered in one room, each on a table in pairs waiting to be instructed what to do.

Ryujin was seated with Donghyun, in front of them Yohan and Hyeongjun.

They were all doing their makeup and Ryujin was actually doing her's properly but that didn't stop her from having some fun.

Watching Yohan slap his face in a manly way then watching Dongpyo trying to do the same before coughing making her laugh.

She then turned to Donghyun who was having some struggles with his eyebrows.

"Come. Turn this way" Ryujin spoke making Donghyun face her.

She began to fill in his brows, getting closer and closer to his face as she focused. Donghyun's face was blushing a rose red at how close she was to him.

Hangyul who was on the table beside them began to snicker and laugh at the frozen boy.

"There you go, all pretty" Ryujin pat his head before going back to doing her lips. Donghyun watched as she continued for a bit before coming out of his frozen state and continuing also.

She kept hesitating to putting the lip tint on until Donghyun turned her around with the shake of his head.

Thia time, it was Ryujins turn to blush when Donghyun began to place the lip tint on her small yet plump lips.

"There you go, all pretty" Donghyun imitated Ryujin making the girl laugh and push him away.

Soon the whole room burst out in laughter when noticing the two clowns at the back of the class, Sunho and Seungyeon who had down the complete opposite of what the makeup artist said.


The third-ranking was very serious and as people were being placed on their seats and as the rankings got higher and higher, Ryujin began to lose hope.

"For 5th place....JYP Entertainment Shin Ryujin" Ryujin gasped loudly as she looked up in surprise.

Walking up to her seat, she let go of the breath she didn't realise she was holding.

Watching as the final rankings were made, she couldn't help but to feel depressed as she watched her precious Jinwoo sit in his seat still.

She felt even more depressed as she saw the boys she got so close to sit in there seats, obviously saddened that they didn't make it.

As soon as it was finished, Ryujin ran down the steps and ran straight to Jinwoo.

The two stood there, arms wrapped around each other as they cried.

"C-congradulations Ryujin Omma" Jinwoo said in a shaky voice, tears still flowing.

"You were supposed to come up with me" Ryujin cried as she wiped his tears away.

"Its okay Ryujin, you debut for us okay?" Jinwoo smiled through the tears making Ryujin smile also.

"P-promise? Debut for me?" Jinwoo held out his pinky and Ryujin let more tears slip as she intertwined his fingers with hers.

"I promise. Y-you never give up either o-okay? I w-want to see you on T.V one day okay?" Ryujin sobbed and Jinwoo nodded.

The two shared one more hug before she let him go to Jinhyuk.

Ryujin turned and saw Sihoon making her tear up even more. During their time in Super Special Girl, they had both shared a brother sister relationship.

"Came here you little boy" Sihoon joked and Ryujin gave him a glare before hugging him.

"How could they not vote for you" Ryujin's muffled voice said from within his shirt.

"I don't know but I do know you will make it" Sihoon pulled away from her and wiped her tears.

"I know you will debut. Make it to the end for me" Sihoon smiled and pat her head making her give a sad laugh and shove his hand off.

The two shared their last laugh together before letting him go.

As the eliminated trainees, Ryujin turned around and she still felt the tears falling down her cheeks.

When she looked up, there stood Yuvin with his arms open letting the girl into them and patting her back.

"Don't worry. You will see them all again"

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