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Ryujin sat alone in a large meeting room with table ling enough to fit all her members.

The girl was curious on what was happening due to the fact her manager had woken her up early in the morning before dragging her in the room telling her "its a surprise."

So patiently, Ryujin scrolled through her phone, taking some selfies now and then.

Finally, a knock on the door caught her attention so she quickly looked up.

"Come in!" Ryujin called out and as the door opened, Ryujin jumped to her feet.

"Omo! Ahnyeonghaseyo IZ*ONE Sunbaenim's!" All the members of IZ*ONE walked in with big smiles on their face.

Ryujin was in awe. They were as pretty as they were on T.V.

"Let's sit down" Eunbi said and all 13 girls sat down.

All IZ*ONE members watched their Produce 101 sister as she gazed at all of them.

"Oh my gosh i'm so nervous" Ryujin said with a nervous chuckle making all the girls giggle.

"It's very nice to meet you sumbaenims" Ryujin said politely while giving a slight bow from her chair.

"Ah you can speak casually with us!" Eumbi encouraged the younger girl.

"Yeah! We don't care! We speak casually with the unnies all the time!" Yujin joked.

"Your older than me aren't you?" Wonyoung asked Ryujin who nodded.

"Your the same age as Yujin as well right?" Chaewon stated.

After chattering for a long while, the girls had said they were spending the whole day with Ryujin so now they were at an Ice Cream store.

Ryujin sat in between Chaeyeon and Yujin as they all ate their Ice Creams.

"Did you two use to train together?" Chaewon asked Chaeyeon knowing that Chaeyeon used to be under JYPE.

"Yeah, I'd always see Chaeyeon unnie around the studio" Ryujin said as she took a spoonful of ice cream.

"I used to help Ryujin with her dancing sometimes as well" Chaeyeon explained.

"But now the only help I get is from a bunch of crazy boys" Ryujin joked.

"How can you do it? Live with 11 boys?" Minju  asked.

"I don't really know. They're all crazy and a handful but they're all actual really fun. It's lile having 11 brothers" Ryujin explained and all the girls nodded.

"Do you share a room with the boys?" Sakura asked curiously, stuttering with her korean slightly.

"No actually! I get my own room, special treatment for being the only girl" Ryujin laughed.

"But it doesn't stop the boys from coming and sleeping on my bed" She added with a sigh making the others laugh.

"Well just know if they're ever bothering you, your free to come over to us" Yuri said as the others nodded.

"Yep! Feel free to join us whenever! Better for us girls to stick together" Yena exclaimed while making her signature duck face.

Ryujin felt happy at that moment. Ever since Produce X 101, she hasn't really had any girl time for a while.

Actual, Ryujin never really did girl time. I mean she enjoyed hanging out but some girls would either talk too much about clothes and make up, or talk too much about boys.

But with IZ*ONE, they talked about their idol life and struggles, trainee times and made jokes with each other.

They also made plans for their next hangout so that Ryujin wouldn't die with the boys.

"Ryujin, Chaeyeon, Yujin. Smile" Hyewon said calmly as she took a photo of the three girls.

"Guys! Lets take a group selca" Wonyoung said excitedly.

As all the girls got in positions, Ryujin stood in between Nako and Hitomi as they all smiled.


After their ice creams, all the girls had to make their way back to the meeting room where they met.

Walking into the room, Ryujin spotted none other then her own members.

"Ryujin-ah! I missed you!" Dongpyo ran at the girl before engulfing her in a hug, earning a awe from the IZ*ONE members.

"So kawaii" Hitomi giggled.

"I mIsSeD yOu RyUjIn!" Seungyon said in a silly tone before opening his arms, wriggling his fingers slightly.

"Ew I don't want to hug you" Ryujin said in a teasing voice, Seungyon pouted sadly but Ryujin laughed and hugged him.

"I missed you too Hyung" She laughed before saying her goodbyes to the IZ*ONE members, exchanging phone numbers.

"How could you abandon us? Even if it was with our sumbaenims" Hangyul asked, faking sadness.

"Well I live in a house of 11 crazy boys, I need to hang out with my kind too" Ryujin laughed as she sat down beside Minhee and Junho.

"Lets just be happy Ryujin left the house for once" Wooseok stated and everyome laughed as Ryujin gave the older boy a joking glare.

"Did you have fun though?" Seungwoo asked.

"Yep. Loads of fun. But i'm tired now" Ryujin replied as she laid her head on Junho's shoulder.

"Don't worry, i'm sure your couch misses you" Yohan says and Ryujin just rolles her eyea, giggling slightly.

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