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"When I call your name, check the card that I gave you, and go to your designated practice room right away" Lee Representative instructed, everyone was getting excited and hyped by what songs they might get assigned.

After all, this is the highlight of the Produce 101 seasons.

Ryujin got called to the front and as she was given her card, Representative Lee asked her a question.

"Who do you want to be in the same team as?"

Ryujin stopped and thought for a bit, looking over her fellow trainees before...

"Ryujin-ah~" Yuvin waved his arms high in the sky making everyone laugh.

Ryujin sighed and looked back at the boy.

"Definitely not Yuvin" she commented sending everyone into a fit of laughter.

"Oh you know you love me" Yuvin said slyly and Ryujin just made a face of disgust.

"I would want to go with....Donghyun hyung" she says and when the camera zooms in on his face, he is completely surprised.

"Why?" Representative Lee asks her again.

"Because many times off camera, he's always nice and funny so I want to experience being on the same team" She says and gives the boy a smile.

Donghyun laughs shyly and just smiles widely.

Ryujin leaves and enters her practice room.

Practice room A.


After everyone had arrived, Ryujin looked around and begins to wonder what song it is.

Everyone here are vocals pretty much..

"What song does everyone want?" Ryujin asked them all. They all hoped it wouldn't be Super Special Girl.

Ryujin runs up to the sticker to reveal the song to the others.

Peeling it back a little she takes a quick peek at the words. Her facials become wide as she read the words before quickly closing it.

"Aaaah what is it??" The trainees all whined when seeing her reaction.

She began teasing the trainees, pretending to peel it as the trainees all whined and laughed.

Finally, Ryujin ripped it off revealing to everyone their concept song...




Now sitting in the practice room was only Suhwan, Ryujin, Sunho and Hyeonsu.

They all discussed between each other, choosing which trainees would be good to have on their team.

"We need some more people to rap with Ryujin" Sunho stated and Ryujin nodded. In her previous group, she had been placed as one of the rappers.

"And some dancers as well" Ryujin added on.


Soon the kicked out trainees entered the room and Ryujin became shocked at how many talented ones got kicked.

"Theres one more left, you won't imagine who it is" Sihun said, so the four Super Special Trainees closed their eyes and when the person entered, he removed Ryujins hands from her eyes.

"What are you doing here!?" She yelled as soon as her eyes fell on the familiar face of Kim Minkyu.

After a few seconds of Ryujin scolding Mingkyu, the process of choosing which trainees they were going to take began.

As the four original members discussed the quietly loud voice of Yuvin spoke.

"Suhwan...Ryujin...help me... i know you can hear me" he whispered and Suhwan and Ryujin sighed.

"Yah~ I will purposely leave you if you keep doing that" Ryujin joked and Yuvin pretended to zip his mouth making her laugh.

When finished, they chose their members.

"I want to scout Kim Sihun from Brand New Music" Hyeonsu proudly announced.

"The next trainee i'm going to scout is Keum Donghyun from C9"

"The last trainee we are going to scout is...Music Works Song Yuvin"

As the others left, Ryujin walked over to Minkyu.

"Mianhe Hyung...mianhe" she said sadly and Minkyu pat her head softly.

"Kwaenchana Ryujin-ah" He reassured her and exited the room.


"Ryujin-ah! We got sponsors from Innisfree!" Donghyun shouted. Ryujin ran over to him seeing the large box in his hands.

The group all quickly started to use the face masks, laughing at each others faces.

"Donghyun! Let me do your face please" Ryujin begged and Donghyun sat beside her, letting her place the face mask in his.

The whole way through Donghyun felt nervous at how close Ryujin was to his face. Not only that but her focused face was quite cute to him.

When Ryujin pulled away to look at her "masterpiece" she immediately broke out into a fit of laughter.

"What? What did you do Ryujin?" Donghyun asked confused. The others all looked and began laughing too.

"You look like a ghost!!" Hyeonsu laughed and handed Donghyuna mirror.

When he saw his reflection Ryujin got up to run but he caught her waist and pulled her back down.

"Yuvin! Save me!" She screamed but Yuvin shook a finger in her face a laughed .

"I'm gonna kill you Yuvin" she groaned and began to laugh again when Donghyun had rubbed his cheek on hers, some of his mask going on her face.

"DONGHYUN!" Her deep scream could be heard from across the dorms causing her roomate's to fall to the ground in laughter.

"Revenge" Donghyun laughed as Ryujin shoved him off.

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