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The dormitory of the X1 members were silent as everyone did their own things for today.

A few days the police had stated the "rigging" of the votes for the produce x 101 seasons and all the members were on edge.

Today, the mangers had let the members have a day off to let them rest after their oversea projects and stress of the rumors.

Ryujin had just come back from school and was eating some instant ramen when suddenly the sounds of silent sobs came from her room in which she shares with the other members.

Carefully standing, Ryujin shuffled her feet and slowly opened the door.
She spotted a lanky figure laying down on his bed with his arm over his face.

He was on the lower bunk of Ryujin's bed which meant it was only one person. Minhee.

Ryujin closed the door softly before sitting on the edge of his bed.

The sudden dip of the bed surprised Minhee as he quickly wiped his tears and sat his head up.

"Oh! Ryujin! You're back" Minhee said with a fake happiness but with the look on Ryujin's face, he knew she could see right through him.

Since Ryujin was never great with affection, she simply moved closer to Minhee.

"Ryujin? What are you-"

Minhee's words were cut short as Ryujin wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a hug, patting his head softly.

"It's okay to cry Minhee" She whispered in his ear and immediately at her words, he let the tears he had been holding back come flowing out.

"I-I wasn't supposed to be in the group Ryujin. It should have been Jungmo. He deserved this spot" Minhee cried.

"Don't say that Minhee" Ryujin hushed as she continued to run her hands through his hair.

"H-how could my company do this to me? To the others?" Minhee sobbed wrapping his arms around Ryujin's waist and crying into her shoulder.

"Minhee. Listen to me. Do you think your company would do all this if you weren't worth it? And don't say that Minhee. Do you think Jungmo would be happy if he heard you talking like this?"

The two sat in silence as Minhee thought over the girls words.


"No buts Minhee. It was not your fault that this all happened to you and you shouldn't blame yourself for it. I'm sure Wonjin, Jungmo, Hyunbin and Hyeongjun wouldn't be happy to see you like this" Ryujin wiped the tears from under Minhee's eyes.

"Same for you guys as well" The girl turned to the entrance of the room to spot Dongpyo, Hangyul & Junho standing there.

"Come" Ryujin said and the three walked over and the five all sat in the one bed.

"You all should know that this situation, it's not your fault. It's your companies fault for going through with it. Don't tell yourselves that you don't deserve to be here cause you do, all of us, and by that I mean the whole 101 of us. Each of us worked hard to get to where we are and for those who didn't make it, they will always get their chance. So don't degrade yourself for some stupid adults decision. For now let's enjoy our time together before it runs out" Ryujin stated in a voice that held so much meaning.

For Ryujin, those words meant that she cared for them, loved them and didn't want this all to end.

That night, the five had fallen asleep on that one bed. Ryujin laying in between Hangyul's legs and on his chest, Dongpyo between her legs, Junho laying on the left side of the three while Minhee on the right.


he other members had walked past the room and noticed the five sleeping peacefully beside and smiled at the sight.

For a girl who wasn't the best at affection and expressing her emotions, she sure wss good at comforting others.

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