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The whole group sat around a large table with their managers. A tense aura filled the room as they all knew why they were here.

"So as you know, there have been some problems surrounding you all and your produce 101 days..." the manager continued to talk about what has been happening as if the members didn't already know.

Then here came the question Ryujin dreaded.

"What do you all think? What do you all want to do?" The manager asked and one by one the members said what they thought.

Some members had even stated that they think they should disband the group and at those words Ryujin's heart broke.


It hasn't even been a year yet and they want to disband.

"Oh? Ryujin what do you think?" The manager called on the girl who had sat so quietly.

All the members turned to her, forgetting to ask for her opinion.

"I dont want this to end" Ryujin mumbled.

"What did you say Ryujin?" The manager asked for her to repeat.

"I said I don't want this to ends" Ryujin said louder.

"I...I had just made it into the group and I've always been told that I don't suit girl concepts so this may be my last chance and if its going to end now..." Ryujin rambled on while tears threatened to spill from her eyes.

The rest of the members now felt guilty, yes they had all wanted this and wanted to debut but Ryujin was in a more difficult position.

She was the only girl in an all boy group, imagine how many people were saying she was a rigged member.

And with people constantly telling her that she's too boyish for any girl groups,  she was constantly feeling insecure but one thing about Ryujin was she was one hell of an actress.

he always told people she was alright when really she was hurting inside and if this group disbanded, Ryujin would be completely broken.

"If this is going to end now then....I won't be the one to decide it" She let her tears fall like a water fall as she got up from her seat and walked out of the meeting room, the mangers all allowing her to do so.

Ryujin continued to walk further away from the meeting room wiping her tears from her cheeks muttering words underneath her breath.

Suddenly a hand gripped her bicep and turned her around.

Looking up she met the familiar eyes of none other then Seungwoo.

"Let me go please" Ryujin begged but Seungwoo shook his head and pulled her into his embrace.

"No. I'm not going to let you go. We're not going to let you go" Seungwoo said. Ryujin was slightly confused by his words before she looked to her right and saw the rest of the group members standing there.

"I'm sorry Ryujin. We should of thought about how you felt, it must be so hard being the only girl" Seongwoo whispered as he caressed the girls head.

The others all slowly approached the two, surrounding them both.

"I don't want this to end. I don't want to be alone again" Ryujin sobbed into the taller males chest, looking the most helpless she's ever been.

"We won't leave you alone Ryujin" Seungyon spoke from behind her.

"We'll always be with you" Wooseok said.

"Just like you were with us" Yohan said.

"We won't leave you"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2019 ⏰

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