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All the Produce X Trainees were sat down in a theater room, getting ready to watch the first episode of Produce X 101.

Trainees laughed and smiled at the funny moments. While enjoying the show, the moment of when Ryujin arrived came.

"Wooooaaahh!" All the boys wooed making Ryujin laugh.

The screen showed Dongpyo trying to imitate her gaze came and Ryujin couldn't help but smile.

Then Seungyeon "half air, half noise" comment was shown and everybody burst out laughing.

"IM SORRY!!" Seungyeon stood up and bowed towards Ryujin making the girl wave her hands saying its alright.

A few more minutes past and things were calm for a while before the scene of Seungwoo and Ryujin's interaction was shown.

It showed Seungwoo and Byungchan bickering.

"Yah I dare you to say hi to her" Byungchan said to Seungwoo.

"Wae? Why me?" Seungwoo whined.

"Just do it!"



The trainees laughed while Ryujin glanced at the two boys. Seongwoo was hiding his face while Byungchan was just laughing.

"Hyung! I don't bite!" Ryujin shouted over the laughter just making everyone laugh even harder.


All Trainees were put into their grades and sent to their correct training rooms. They all practised hard, learning the dance moves while trying to reach the notes of the song.

Even Ryujin was having a little bit of difficulty.

While training, the trainer of the day came in to check on their vocals.

Each person took turns to sing and so far, they had been not so good.

"Who wants to go next" The trainer asked and no one dared to put their hand up.

"No one?" The trainer said in a more annoyed tone.

Ryujin took a gulp and rose her hand.

"I'll have a go" she said confidently.

The trainer started to play the song on the piano and Ryujin sung as good as she could.

When they finished Ryujin took a quick sip of her water before the Trainer spoke up.

"Ryujin, you did well, you did great you just need to work on the higher notes a little more" The trainer commented and told her to sit back down.


After the trainer left, Ryujin couldn't help but notice that all the boys were looking stressed and a bit sad.

'I'm gonna do something'

Ryujin got up and walked out without anyone realizing. She found a staff member and asked for a plastic bag which they gave.

With a camera man following the girl, Ryujin went and got waters for the whole grade A. Placing them all in the plastic she turned and made her way back to the practice room.

"Oh? Ryujin brought water!" Yuvin announced making everyone turn to the opening door.

"Wah! Your the best Ryujin" Byungchan said while patting her head. Ryujin swatted his hand away.

"I thought it would make everyone feel a bit better" Ryujin explained in a cool tone.

"Your so sweet Ryujin-ah!"  Yohan said engulfing the girl in a back hug.

"Yah let me hand out the bottles"


The night before the re-evaluation and majority of the Grade A trainees went back to the dorms, except for Ryujin.

Ryujin stayed back and practised. While she was doing one certain move she tripped over her foot and fell to the ground hard.

"Aish" she groaned under her breath. Not bothering to get up, Ryujin just rolled onto her back and took deep breaths.

And without realizing, tears slowly slid down the girls face. Ryujin thought deeply to herself.

'I have to do well...I have to...'

Ryujin laid there, breath heaving. Moments passed a d she stayed like this until the sound of the door opening made her quickly sit up and wipe the tears from her face.

"Ryujin you're here" The voice of Yohan called out. He was her dorm roomate and he had realised she wasn't in the room so he went searching for her.

Moments Earlier:

"Oh? Wheres Ryujin?" Yohan asked his roommate's.

"I don't think she ever came back from the practice room"

"I'll go look for her" Seongwoo offered but Yohan said he'll go.

Wandering around the area, he made his way to the A grade training room. He went to open the door but could hear soft sobs coming from inside.

'Huh? Is she...'

Yohan opened the door and found Ryujin wiping her face slightly.

"Oh Yohan? What are you doing here? Its late"  Ryujin said and Yohan closed the door behind him and walked closer to the girl.

"I came looking for you...Ryujin...were you crying?" Yohan asked quietly, trying to make sure he didn't offend the girl.

"No no i'm fine its okay" Ryujin lied to Yohan nodded and placed his hand on her back, patting it.

"Don't worry Ryujin, if you need to release your worries, your Oppa's are here for you" Yohan gave his signature smile and opened his arms wide.

Ryujin laugh and gave the boy a shove.

"Whatever" Yohan smiled, he was happy he made Ryujin laugh.

"Now come on, lets head back to the dorm before the boys think I did something to you" Yohan said and Ryujin laughed.

"I wasn't joking, Seungwoo said to find you and bring you straight back" Yohan said in a more serious tone.

"Okay we might want to take a little jog back then" Ryujin laughed and the two made their way back to their dorm.

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