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Ryujin was called into the interview room during a practice session.
Curious at what was happening, she sat down on the stool, looking at the producer sat in front of her.

"Am I in trouble?" She asked and the camera crew gave a light chuckle.

"No, we have a mission for you since you are the special trainee" The producer handed the girl an envelope.

Ryujin opened it up and read the message out loud.

"Go to each practice room and dance to the chorus of each song. Your fellow trainees do not know of this mission so do not tell them until finishing it" Ryujin folded up the message and gave a laugh.

"If you complete it within 30 minutes, everyome will get ice creams" the producer added.

"Aaahhh..." she held the bridge of her knows dramatically, thinking for a second before giving the camera eye contact.

"Lets do this"


As she walked through the halls, she made it to the U GOT IT practice room.

Opening the door, she waltzed on in making the members pause their practice and look at her.

"Ryujin? What are you doing here?" Wooseok asked but the girl didn't answer.

The camera crew who were in the room know about her mission so all she did was stand in the center of room before the music played.

She danced to the chorus as the boys all but sounds and cheers.

When the chorus finally finished the chorus, she gave the boys a mischievous smirk before running out again and into the next room.

It was now the MOVE practice room and she did the exact same, walking in, surprising the members before standing in the center of the room and dancing.

"Oh my gahdniss...I am not fit enough for this mission" Ryujin commented making the boys laugh, also making them confused.

"What mission?" Hyunbin asked and she waved her arms around.

"Tell...you...later" she huffed before running back out again and to the next.


She almost collapsed on the floor in that room. From running around the halls to dancing to these songs were a lot more tiring then she imagined.

"You look so tired" Minkyu handed her a water and Ryujin gratefully took it.

"Thank you hyung! I'll be right back! Gotta keep moving"

Finally it was the last group and when she walked in, she laughed at the sight.

Minhee was passed out in the corner, Jungmo was using one of the cameras, Wonjin was relaxing while Jinwoo, Hyeongjun and Dongpyo were playing a game.

The boys all saw her but she motioned them to be quiet as she snuck up on sleeping Minhee.

They all silently giggled as Ryujin crept over and knelt down beside the poor unfortunate soul.


"AAAAAAAHHHHH" Ryujin gave out the highest scream she could muster up causing Minhee to nearly jump out of his skin.

Everyone collapsed to the ground in laughter as the boy sent daggers to Ryujin with his eyes.

"Yah...Shin Ryujin" Minhee said in a dangerously low voice. Ryujin just gave an innocent look before quickly getting the music to play.

She cringed as she danced to the cute and bubbly song which she was not used to before finishing it with a bow.


Everyone was gathered in the cafeteria, all confused on what was going on.

The producer entered and all the trainers paid close attention.

"As you know, Ryujin made unexpected visits to your practice rooms and dance. It was a special mission to her and the reward was everyone getting ice creams so come and get your ice creams one by one please" He explained before leaving.

"Aaah Ryujin you're the best!" Yuvin hugged the girl who shoved him off.

"You did great sweety" Wooseok pat her head.

Yohan came up to the girl and went to hug her but she quickly bent down, causing Yohan to hug the air and go straight past her.

"Okay I will literally start a food fight in her if someone tries to hug me ag-" Ryujin began to say something when Jinwoo and Dongpyo hugged her.

"Thank you Ryujin Omma!" They both said and she hugged them back.

"Hey!" Both Yuvin and Yohan whined.

"They're my children, you two are just weirdos" Ryujin laughed.

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