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The 21 trainees all stood in an unfamiliar room, waiting to be told what was happening.

Soon Representative Lee entered and everyone greet him. Ryujin felt a weight in her chest when she heard how quiet the greetings sounded now.

Representative Lee explained to them what was happening and the two final songs were revealed.


When they all listened to the two songs, the group couldn't help but listen in awe.

"The 21 trainees will be split into 2 teams of 10 and 11 members of each song and perform. Here's how you select the song and your part, the lower trainees will come up first and select the part and song they want. The higher rank trainees can push aside the current trainee in the sing and part they want to be in. They can also move a trainee into another song and part" Representative Lee explained the rules of the choosing.

The tension immediately grew and Ryujin huffed.

Soon everyone started to choose the songs and parts they wanted, from the lower ranks and making there way up.

Everyone laughed and ooed when people would get pushed but everyone still had that panicked feeling in them, hoping they don't get moved.

Eventually it was Ryujin's turn so she strutted up to the board and scanned over the sings and parts.

She hid the board from the others and moved one person, replacing his face with hers.

"Who is it!!" All the boys asked as she turned around hiding the board still and hiding the face from them.

"I'm sorry Seungyon hyung!!" Ryujin shouted as she fell to her knees and held her arms up and everyone began to laugh.

"RYUJIN!!" Seungyon screamed like how Seungwoo screamed for Eunsang.

"I'm sorry!" She squealed before placing him somewhere else and running back to her spot.

"Whyyyy~ your a rapper though~" Seungyon teased.

"I need to show people I can sing too~" Ryujin said in a sad tone and Seungyon simply smiled and pat head.

"It's okay" He laughed.


When the teams had gathered together, Hyeongjun was made the leader of team TO MY WORLD.

Hyeongjun, Yunseong and Ryujin were learning the choreograph while Ryujin also memorised the formation changes.
They were chosen because they could learn the dance the quickest so while they did that the others practised their parts.

While Ryujin was learning the dance, she kept making glances at Donghyun because he looked sad and a bit disappointed so when she had finished memorizing everything, she went over to him.

"Hey" she spoke softly as she squatted down beside him.

"Hi" He smiled slightly as he tugged out on of his earplugs.

"Are you okay hyung? You seem down" Ryujin asked carefully as she sat on her knees.

"Its just- I feel disappointed in myself, I only have one line" Donghyun spoke honestly and Ryujin sighed.

"Don't be Donghyun. You are so talented , I mean your a great rapper and when you perform you can tell you put in your all. And that one line you have doesn't mean your not talented,on stage even if you have not as many lines as the others, i'm sure you'll shine just as bright" Ryujin tried her best to comfort the older boy. She wasn't quite used to comforting.

When Donghyun had looked up from his hands and in his face was a smile, Ryujin felt like she had done something right.

"Thank you Ryujin, that mean't a lot to me" Donghyun said as he held Ryujin's hand, giving a tiny squeeze.

"No problem Donghyun, that's what i' here for" Ryujin smiled at him.


"So who want's to be center?"

It was the last lesson of the whole show and you could tell everyone was feeling that pit of sadness in their hearts that they might not see these trainers in a while.

Right now, Team To My World were doing their little audition for center for the trainers.

And let me tell you...Ryujin was not enjoying the horrifying things she was seeing.

Yohan who was first up, as the music played the line he had dropped to the ground and started to do a 'sexy' dance and Ryujin couldn't help but scream in disgust.

Everyone had burst out laughing at both Yohan and Ryujin's disgust.

Yunseong had held the disgusted Ryujin from behind as Junho covered her eyes.

"I'm scarred for life! I'll never unsee that" Ryujin groanes as Yohan laughed.

"I'm sorry Ryujin" Yohan continued to laugh in embarrassment.

Next up was Hyeongjun who tried to be sexy but still was adorable which madd everyone awe.

Donghyun was next and he was quite creative with his one. He covered his eyes, funnily waving his arms around before acting all charismatic which made everyone laugh.

Junho went after Donghyun, he walked up to the trainers and 'sexily' posed before walking back.

"Everyone's been laughing but two people seem worried" the trainer mentioned and everyone laughed as they looked at Ryujin and Yunseong's faces of stress.

Yunseong first, showing off his alluring body line and sexy poses.

Then it was Ryujin's turn. She tiredly walked a bit forward before sighing

"Yunseong, can I burrow you for a sec" She said calmly making everyone get hyped on what she might do.

She grabbed Yunseong in front of her and sighed once again.

"I'm going to regret this later" she whispered making everyone laugh before the music started.

She walked up to Yunseong who had his back faced to her so he was completely clueless. Ryujin reached her hand over Yunseong's shoulder and turned his head towards her so his face was only a few inches away from hers.
Then she pushed it away with a cocky smirk on her lips.

As soon as that music stopped she immediately went in a panic before running away (much like how yohan acts when he goes into a gay panic)

Everyone burst out in laughter as the girl ran to the back wall and fell against it.

"What have I done!!" She screamed making everyone laugh even harder.

Doing the same thing for Team Boyness, the boys once by one began to do sexy dances and Ryujin was dying of disgust.

Ryujin was sat in front of Seungwoo so everytime the boys did something 'sexy' she would fall back in disgust into Seongwoo's lap who would cover her eyes laughing.

Eventually Ryujin just stayed in his lap so everytime she was disgusted she would use his larger hands to cover her eyes


Team To My World recorded their center dance videos that would be used as who will be the center.

After watching all the videos, the members each took turns going into a separate room to vote on who will be center.

Who will be the center?

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