Chapter 2

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After Godar and I had entered, it became very apparent the empire had tight security around this ship. By now we'd separated, we'd drawn lots and I got to have the top of the ship, which was nice, given that the bridge was intact. The strange thing about this ship wasn't just the security, but there was something familiar, I could clearly sense it. I kept searching, most Imperial security near the cruiser were Probe Droids, some Stormtroopers seemed to be nearby as well, but they never came onboard the ships. About once in the past two standard hours had I seen a Probe Droid come near me, so I felt safe as I backtracked to the bridge, and worked on regaining access to the mainframe. I made sure to check for anything here worthwhile. All the bodies of the crew had been removed, which didn't surprise me. Checking out the viewport I decided I was all clear before activating my Lightsaber. I quickly started cutting through the door to the other side of the bridge. When done, I rushed in before any probes saw me with a Lightsaber and used it as a Light. The ship had minimal power, but I knew that even before backtracking. I got under the intel Panel, opened it up, and started trying to jump start the system, just long enough for me to pry. Eventually, the system was jump started. I searched through, and found something that shocked me, a recorded transmission from my Master, Orion... After listening to the transmission, I quickly returned to my duties, Lightsaber sheathed and hidden. I searched through the ship, the words from the recording echoed through my head. I was seeing everything in a new light, Raxxaan, this cruiser, my life, my past. It was as if the Force had come calling and I couldn't say no. I knew that there was a choice I could make; I knew I could choose not to do anything. Even if it was true, even if what my old Master BELIEVED was true, there's no way I could protect it. Granted, I had no real idea what it was, it could be anything. It could be some sort of artefact, a System that had a strong connection with the force, a force power I had never even heard of. Despite being seventeen when the Jedi Order fell, I was never the most gifted padawan learner. Orion; my master, had been a patient teacher, giving me the best training possible. "What even is it...?" I mumbled to myself quietly. Many Jedi, even younglings and padawans, normally dismissed Orion as mad. Some, like Yoda, believed that he was sane, and searching for something very few Jedi, or even force users, of old and new believed in and I didn't know what it was. If I did put myself in Yoda's shoes, small as they would have been, then my Master had seemingly done one of three things. The first of course was leave that message, to lure the empire on a ghost trip, so Jedi could slowly work on banding together again, though most of us knew a lot better and knew this was not even a slight option. The second theory I had was that my Master had secretly survived being killed by the clones, and had come to Raxxaan to either leave that message for me, or someone else to find. The final theory was of course, he'd found what he was looking for before taking me as his padawan at thirteen years old, but had chosen to hide it. Going around the ship I thought my sudden discovery and worry would cause time to go even faster, unfortunately, it did the opposite. The fact that everything was moving so slowly only increased the shock. Having finally finished my parts of the search for anything worth taking before, I made my way up to the exterior, and started to search out there, and prep for the cutting. The cutting was when they started cutting the ship to bits for the transfer to the freighters carrying them to the moon. I set to work on cutting a line for the plasma drills to cut across. I sensed someone behind me, and turned to see Godar. "Anything missed?" I shouted back over the thunder and wind. The rain was crashing down around us and Lightning flashing close by. He came up next to me, so he only had to speak loudly. "No, its all clear, everything worth salvaging you got" he said. I finished cutting the line, and then stood. Far below me, I saw a man in an ISB uniform wandering through the graveyard. I recognised him. His name was George Motti, a sector colonel. According to rumours that Godar had heard, Motti was conducting a personal investigation on Raxxaan involving a search for something. I briefly wondered if it was what I had found, which of course I had copied to my Holopad, and would later copy across to my Holocron. He gave a signal to me, signalling that I was to report to him when I was done with the ship. I sighed, but nodded, giving a signal back that he would see as an acknowledgement through the sheets of rain. This place could rival Kamino for the amount of rain that falls... I thought to myself. Godar snapped me back to reality by speaking, which I was grateful for. "Wonder what he wants you for" he mused. I turned to him, with a sarcastic smile on my face. "Must be my extremely good looks, or so he can see something bright and full of colour," I said, laughing slightly. The bothan mimicked the smile. "If he wanted something bright and full of colour, or good looking, he would have asked for me" he said, punching my arm in a friendly manner. I handed him the welder. "Just for that, you can draw the next line" I said. While he did that, I marked other areas for us to weld the guidelines into, and checked the plasma drill's progress. It was going to take long enough that we'd be standing up here shivering longer than we really needed to be. The ships that came with the cables were keeping pace with the plasma drill, which made sense as they were the ones with the controls. I signalled their progress to Godar, and I saw his shoulders slump. We both needed to stay up here as a safety precaution, and while it was largely to do with the weather, it was mostly because if something were to go wrong with the plasma drill on the way back down, we could be cut to pieces. It was almost a good reason had we not been in just as much as danger up on the exterior of the ship. The rain was often so thick, the wind, lightning and thunder so loud that the thinking behind this was mostly wasted. True, I could sense the drill, but pulling Godar out the way when no one could hear it or see it would either look like a brawl, which was against the policy for working, or out me as a potential Jedi. It was regardless a lose-lose situation. Thankfully today both me and Godar could see it, if not hear it. That really said something about the state of today's storm considering how loud that drill was. Godar and I took turns welding the lines, and then took shelter underneath what of the towers that represented the bridge, we were still cold and wet and shivering, but at least it was somewhat sheltered. "So... bad rain today, you know, compared to every other day..." I said, teeth chattering and trying to make conversation. Godar nodded, his teeth notably weren't chattering, although he was still shivering. "Very, hopefully we get something dry to do next" he said. I nodded my agreement and pointed to the carrier ships; they were just about to get in line with us. We went forward and started to signal them to the places where we had welded the guidelines into. We started making for one of the first pieces to be removed. "BRING IT IN" I yelled, still signalling them into position. I saw Godar signalling elsewhere, and thumbed on my holo communicator. "Ready for weight test" I shouted, so the pilot could hear me. "Copy, you guys need to be careful, got it!?" asked the pilot, clearly stalling. "Just get it moving!" I shouted back, and closed down the transmission. I checked Godar's progress, and saw that he was good. The Plasma drill started cutting, and we made sure we were out of the way. I noticed the cables were very deep inside the metal, and wasn't surprised. The carrier transport flew us away towards the pile up for the freighters to take all the scrap metal away for processing and to be melted down on the moon. I saw the near towers of scrap metal approaching. I just had no idea what was in store for me next.

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