Chapter 7

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After night fell, we had landed back on the planet. Kara was staying on the ship, while I escorted Godar and Brody back through the city so they got home. Imperial patrols were everywhere, which had started slowing us down greatly. I had my Commlink on, and spoke to Kara. "Lots of patrols out here, this could take a while..." I said quietly. I heard Kara's nervousness in her voice. "How long will this take to pull off? They've already launched TIE patrols trying to look for you" she replied. I cursed under my breath. "Will they be able to see us through the storm?" I asked, as I saw a patrol pass over head. "I don't know, you're going to need to be quick" she answered. I signed off, and stayed behind cover as I moved closer to Godar and Brody. They both looked unhappy to be having to get home this way. I reached out with the force, sensed we were clear, and signalled them to follow me. We kept moving swiftly, until something made me stop. "Wait!" I hissed to Brody, pulling him back before he revealed that we were out here. Just as I got him back into the shadows, I saw a group of Stormtroopers dragging some innocents out of their homes. I felt the unease of Godar, and also clenched my fist. "Let's go" I said, before he could insist that we helped. As we got deeper and deeper into the city, more groups of people were being rounded up. We eventually made it to their homes. "Get inside and stay there" I ordered. After they were inside, I went deeper into the city. I saw more and more people, they weren't being taken for questioning, half of them didn't even know me. I kept moving, following the Imperials discreetly. The rain pounding removed the need for treading lightly, the Lightning was going to make me double back a lot... I just knew it. As I kept moving, over the next few hours, I knew they were rounding up civilians to get my attention. I skulked closer, trying to get a look at whatever makeshift prison they were using. When I eventually got a good look from a shadowed position, I did a count and discovered there were at least five squads of Stormtroopers, and two squads of the special troopers I had faced earlier. I kept watching as they funnelled more prisoners in to the group. I inched closer and closer, looking for a way to try and get them out of danger. After more sneaking around, I finally saw my option. It was a weak point within the patrol line, and I could already tell it was there to lure me out. It looked like the Inquisitors wanted me to play their game. Ok, I'll play your game, but with my own rules... I thought to myself. I doubled back, looking at where everyone had been rounded up and started to think about tactics. I noticed a second gap, left there unintentionally by the Imperials, and knew I had my getaway sorted for everyone. I moved back towards their trap, and used the force to knock something over far away enough from the other side, but close enough that the troopers would investigate it. I quickly moved to the other gap I had spotted. After working my way around, I started moving closer, taking care to try and distract as many of the guards as possible without being too fool hardy. There were a lot of ways that this could go wrong and I knew it would if they caught even a glimpse of me. I had to wonder at the back of my mind which of the Inquisitors was responsible for this. I knew they'd be the ones behind the trap, Motti wouldn't have ordered something of this kind of level, he was someone who cared too much for Imperial protocol. This clearly wasn't. I kept working my way closer and closer to the weak point. Looking upon it closer it was very clear that the troopers hadn't meant for there to be a second one. They wanted to catch me right in the trap that they had set for me. I took time to measure the timeline between the patrols wandering the outer area of the impromptu prison area. There were a lot of innocent lives at stake, if I even made one mistake, they'd all die. I waited for 3 more patrols to pass. On a guess, I had fifteen minutes to get everyone out. I made my move and got past the outer perimeter and started making my way towards the prisoners. When I reached them, I made a move for them to stay quiet and started breaking them out of the binders. By the time I was done, I had six, maybe seven minutes to get them out. I signalled them all to follow me, and made sure they kept quiet. Time kept ticking, I had four minutes. I funnelled them all out ahead of me, pointing to the dark areas so they could all get home without being seen. I had thirty seconds before the patrol came, and there were still civilians. I took my Lightsaber from my belt. I kept hoping I wouldn't have to use it, but I had spied the electrostaffs those special units had over their backs. Fifteen seconds! As I saw the patrol turn the corner, the last of the people made it across, now I needed to make myself scarce. I moved back in the shadows; my time was running out. The longer I stayed out here and off my ship the more likely it was I would be found. I let the patrol move past, and then made my move and was out of the containment area. Now I just had to figure out the best way for me to make my move back to my ship. After moving a short distance, I heard the alarms start sounding. "Oh wonderful..." I muttered. I quickly started doubling back, now I'd have to fight. I started running back knowing trying to hide would be useless. I quickly found a group of imperial troops and ignited my Lightsaber engaging them and disposing of them quickly enough. I heard something drop behind me. "Going somewhere!?" called a voice. I turned, and saw The Eleventh Sister. I raised my Lightsaber and attacked, slashing and cutting, trying to keep her on the defensive so I could escape. My luck quickly started to run out, as the inquisitor started to ignite a second blade and make the Saber starts spinning. I leaped back. "ok that's new..." I muttered. I moved back, realising I needed to reassess how to fight this dark side user until Kara finally came looking. The blade stopped spinning and lunged forward. I parried the stab motion and force pushed her back, before leaping out of range. "What do you want!?" I demand, shouting over the storm. The Eleventh Sister deactivated her Lightsaber, probably just to preserve her power cells. "I want you, a Jedi survivor, to die for your treason against the Empire!" she says. I gripped my hand tighter around my Lightsaber. "Why!? So you can kill us all!?" I demanded. The Eleventh Sister started to stalk towards me. "You can't save them... if you escape, we will round them up again, and I will kill them, unless you surrender to me!" she says. "I have nothing you could possibly want!" I yell as lightning flashes and thunder booms. "Oh I wouldn't be so sure..." she says, and then leaps at me. I raise my lightsabre up to block the attack. "I'm not making deals with you!" I growl. I try to counter attack, only to have it be parried and get pushed back with the force. "Such a pity... perhaps I'll start by killing the children after they have been rounded up!" she purrs. I leap straight at her, slamming my saber down on her's. I knew I would ware myself out very quickly. Just as it seemed like I was about to win the fight, I heard someone drop behind me, hit me with something and knock me out cold. Before I lost consciousness on hitting the floor, I recognised the male Inquisitor. Before I could say anything, my eyes closed, and I knew no more.

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